European Alternatives works to promote democracy, equality and culture beyond the nation-state and imagine, demand and enact alternatives for a viable future for Europe. European Alternatives action is based on:
- Articulating a radical, long-term vision of democratic, just and culturally-open politics, society and culture beyond the nation-state for Europe and for the world.
- Experimenting with forms of action that contribute to transformative change in political institutions, society, the economy and imagination.
- Building the capacity, the mutual-awareness and connection of members, activists and organisations working in line with our values.
- Advancing and defending human, fundamental, civic, democratic and social rights across borders.
Jana Ahlers
Jana is Grassroots Education Manager at European Alternatives, working within the School of Transnational Organizing. She is dedicated to creating transformative learning spaces and building capacity to collaboratively strategize for system change.
With a background in education, she has a passion for critical and experiential pedagogy and research interest in how social movements learn and engage in counter-hegemonic knowledge production. As a social and climate justice organizer and activist she has experience and a wide network across the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, the UK, and Germany. Most recently, she coordinated the programme of the People’s Summit for Climate Justice in Glasgow. Working with the COP26 Coalition, she draws on capacity organizing with a wide range of civil society groups, ranging from environment and development NGOs, to grassroots community campaigns, youth groups, indigenous groups, and migrant and racial justice networks.
Outside of EA, Jana is a Berlin-based grassroots organizer and activist, steadily pushing towards new imaginaries and strategic wins by the people.
Jacc Griffiths
Jacc is from Wales and today lives in Paris. They are currently working on the Critical ChangeLabs project as a research assistant at European Alternatives. Their background is in linguistics & pedagogy, and they are specialized in discourse analysis, critical sociolinguistics and semiotics. They created and taught an English language course entitled Lost in Translation, which seeks to critically engage with the status of English as a lingua franca, through deconstructing the capitalist & colonialist notions of “proper English” and recognizing the evolution of World Englishes. In 2023, they wrote their Master’s thesis on the subject of discourse-spatial production in the global Collages Féminicides movement, studying how transpatial, feminist activist networks grow horizontally through physical-digital discursive interaction. They are fascinated by intersecting ecosystems, rhizome-spaces, interdiscourse networks, and all things etymology. They are also a member of the Paris-based intersectional feminist writing group Le Phare Collectif.
Niccolò Milanese
Niccolò is a director of European Alternatives. He is currently a Europe’s Future’s Fellow at IWM, Vienna. Niccolò was educated in Cambridge, Siena and Paris where he was an Entente Cordiale Scholar. Asides from European Alternatives he has been involved in the founding of numerous political and cultural organizations, magazines and initiatives on several sides of the Mediterranean.
Ségolène Pruvot
Ségolène Pruvot is a Director of European Alternatives. Ségolène is a Doctor in Urban Sociology. In the course of her academic career and professional life, she specialised in the exploration of the intersection between arts, the city and social change. She trained as a political scientist and urban planner in France, the UK, and Germany. Segolene has developed extensive experience in designing and implementing transnational participative cultural programmes, activists transnational networking and collaborative research.