This was the Ars Electronica Festival 2017
"Artificial Intelligence – the Other I", or the connection between AI and humans was the main topic at the 2017 Ars Electronica Festival, which turned ...
"Artificial Intelligence – the Other I", or the connection between AI and humans was the main topic at the 2017 Ars Electronica Festival, which turned ...
Künstliche Intelligenz und der Mensch – das war das Kernthema des Ars Electronica Festivals 2017, das dieses Jahr unter dem Titel "Artificial Intellig ...
Von 7. bis 11. September 2017 ist es wieder so weit: Die POSTCITY Linz wird zum Spielplatz für MedienkünstlerInnen aus aller Welt. Das diesjährige Ars ...
September 7-11, 2017, POSTCITY Linz will once again morph into a sprawling playground of media artists from all over the world. The theme of this year ...
Ars Electronica Japan is a special division within the Ars Electronica Futurelab, which puts cultural programs, consulting and innovative research int ...
Eingebettet in das inspirierende Setting des Ars Electronica Festival in der Linzer POSTCITY lädt der Future Innovators Summit auch heuer wieder motiv ...
Embedded in the inspiring setting of the Ars Electronica Festival in POSTCITY Linz, the Future Innovators Summit is once again inviting motivated indi ...
For her proposal to send a robot with artistic skills into outer space, robotics engineer Sarah Petkus was the recipient of an Honorary Mention from t ...
Even the most amazing festival has to come to a close at some point - the fifth and last day of Ars Electronica 2016 has visitors looking back on an i ...