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Kazuhiko Washio, Kreativdirektor und Produzent bei der japanischen Werbeagentur Hakuhodo und Jury-Mitglied beim diesjährigen Prix Ars Electronica, ist ...
Kazuhiko Washio, Kreativdirektor und Produzent bei der japanischen Werbeagentur Hakuhodo und Jury-Mitglied beim diesjährigen Prix Ars Electronica, ist ...
The annual ITU Telecom World took place December 7-10 in Doha, the capital of Qatar. Held at a different venue each year, ITU Telecom provides a globa ...
What a festival: 5 days, 12 locations, 614 events and 1,357 artists, scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs and activists from 54 countries made the ...
"Artificial Intelligence – the Other I", or the connection between AI and humans was the main topic at the 2017 Ars Electronica Festival, which turned ...
“RADICAL ATOMS and the alchemists of our time” was the theme of the Ars Electronica Festival staged September 8-12, 2016 at multiple locations in Linz ...
Well, at the beginning of 2020, even Ars Electronica had other plans for the future. At that time, even we couldn't have imagined the uncomfortable co ...
At the end of the year, we take some time to look back on the past twelve months. But it's not just the Ars Electronica Festival with its more than 10 ...
The year went by so quickly; so many delightful impressions remain. Which works of media art featured in POSTCITY during this year’s Ars Electronica F ...
Für ihren Vorschlag, einen Roboter mit künstlerischen Fähigkeiten in den Weltraum zu schicken, hat die Roboteringenieurin Sarah Petkus eine Honrary Me ...