Persona explores the fluid nature of identity and invites viewers to reflect on the ever-changing version of themselves that they present to the outsi ...
Persona explores the fluid nature of identity and invites viewers to reflect on the ever-changing version of themselves that they present to the outsi ...
Diese Arbeit entstand im Rahmen der Auseinandersetzung der Künstlerin mit dem Problem, immer wieder unrealistisch hohe Erwartungen an sich selbst in ...
The Mark of Them is a poetic installation that explores the depths of alienation and the fractured identity of outsiders — too Eastern for the West, t ...
[ mur mur ] is a sound installation that invites you on a sensualjourney through space and body, creating a calming atmosphere with white noise. ...
Was wartet da draußen? lädt die Besucher*innen der Ausstellung zu einer Reise ins Unbekannte ein. Die Audioaufnahmen erzählen vom Hier und Jetzt, von ...
The project What’s out there? invites visitors to the exhibition on ajourney into the unknown. The audio recordings tell of the here andnow, of concre ...