This series of activities will enable students to better understand the electromagnetic spectrum and observe infrared radiation by modifying a cheap webcam.
Thanks to this, students can view the world in a completely new way. This allows for a more informed discussion about the uses of infrared radiation to learn more about aspects of reality that would otherwise be unrecognizable. Students will also analyze satellite images and thus have a practical example of why it is useful to be able to “see” infrared radiation. In earth observation by satellites, false color images with visible infrared provide important data about the health of plants.

Fast Facts:
- School level: Secondary level (12-16 years)
- Subject: Physics
- Duration: 2-3 teaching units (30 minutes per activity)
Goals: The students can…
- … recognize the different types of electromagnetic radiation.
- … describe various applications of infrared radiation.
- … use available internet tools to collect and analyze satellite data.
- … understand how infrared can be used to monitor the health of vegetation.
- … identify false color and true color satellite images.
Download teaching material: Teacher’s guide and student activities