Rupert Huber and Richard Dorfmeister (aka TOSCA) premiered their new album Odeon at Linz’s Musiktheater together with vocalists Sarah Carlier, Robert Gallagher, Rodney Hunter and Jay Jay Jones as well as the Wiener K&K String Quartet.
Each individual musical expression, every acoustic event and frequency delivered input for the visualization software the Ars Electronica Futurelab developed especially for Odeon. The output was sent in real time to five light objects and the stage backdrop, a jumbo projection screen. The visual vocabulary thus expressed the continual shifts of the performance’s inherent dualities: sound and silence, light and shadow. As befitting the basic feeling Odeon evokes—a sense of skepticism rather associated with the Blues—the stage set was immersed in monochrome tones.
TOSCA and Ars Electronica Futurelab also produced this extraordinary show in Prague, Budapest, Graz and Bratislava.
Idea & Concept: Rupert Huber, Horst Hörtner
Technical Lead Management: Patrick Müller
Programming: Florian Berger
Graphics: Michael Mayr, Andreas Jalsovec
Construction: Martin Kneidinger
PARTNER: Tosca (Richard Dorfmeister & Rupert Huber)
featuring: Jay Jay Jones, Robert Gallagher, Rodney Hunter, Sarah Carlier, Wiener K&K Streichquartett