The six meter tall Monolith – completed in spring 2014 – consists of 24 frameless screens, wrapped in translucent mirror panels. These panels render the Monolith almost invisible at first glance and enhance it.
The Deep Space 8K has received a major upgrade in 2022 – read all about the technical innovations as well as the latest programs on our Deep Space 8K EVOLUTION page!
Auf der Suche nach einer immersiven Umgebung zur Veranschaulichung der menschlichen Anatomie hat das Ars Electronica Futurelab in Zusammenarbeit mit Forscher*innen von Siemens Healthineers und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Fellner, Vorstand des Zentralen Radiologie Instituts der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, eine völlig neue Form der Visualisierung von anatomischen Messdaten entwickelt.
Rupert Huber and Richard Dorfmeister (aka TOSCA) premiered their new album Odeon at Linz’s Musiktheater together with vocalists Sarah Carlier, Robert Gallagher, Rodney Hunter and Jay Jay Jones as well as the Wiener K&K String Quartet.