Big Concert Night

Choreophonic Dramaturgy

Andres Bosshard (CH)

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Linz, In Kepler's Gardens, JKU Library

Ich bin eingeladen, eine einzigartige Klangchoreografie von Bruckners Neunter Symphonie und Ligetis Lux Eterna für eine Live-Übertragung aus dem Park der JKU-Bibliothek in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team von Ars Electronica zu entwickeln.

Andres Bosshard: Andres Bosshard is a recently retired radio sound pioneer and artist, musician and lecturer. Between 2005-2020, he headed Zurich University of the Arts Department of Art and Media, where he led the Sound Study Group beginning in 2016. His work has been featured at sonicArk, the sound of Aarhus, for the European Capital of Culture in 2017, for the 10th anniversary of the Museumsquartier in Vienna, 2011, and at Expo Biel 2002. Between 1980-2000, he performed with Nachtluft and toured as an experimental musician in Europe, America, Japan and India, at numerous international music and sound art festivals. Since 2010, he has been involved in the KTI research project Stadtklang-Klangstadt, with Trond Maag for the Federal Office for the Environment Bern. In 2017, he won the Swiss Music Prize for Sound Architecture. In 2012 he served as Lecturer ETH D-ARCH. In 2003, he was a visiting professor at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne.


All artist, sound engineers and organizers of the Big Concert Night including Andres Bosshard, Klangadmiral