Activating the Archive
W21: Valeria Facchin (UK/IT), Delanie Joy Linden (US) and Indrani Saha (US)

In order to generate new and inclusive narratives for the 21st century, we need to rethink the archival structures where data is stored. Using W21’s data-feminist mission as a starting point, this workshop will challenge the never-evolving nature of the archive and its fixed, discriminating taxonomy. Together, we will discuss: Who or what is presently un-archivable? How can we imagine cultural archives as living, legible, and accessible? What role can artificial intelligence play in restructuring archives to open new worlds?

Forensic Architecture Workshop: Open-source investigations for Human Rights
Omar Ferwati (EG), Forensic Architecture (INT)

Forensic Architecture is a research agency that uses architectural and media analysis to investigate human rights violations. This workshop is an introduction to investigatory techniques and principles used by Forensic Architecture including open-source research, spatial analysis, geolocation, verification, and media analysis through a series of short tutorials and tasks.

AI x Feudalism: Digital serfdom in the world of Big Data, between property rights, empowerment, and content control
Sophie Zhang (US), Renata Ávila (GT), Frederike Kaltheuner (DE), Evgeny Morozov (BY/US)

Von Erlösung und Befreiung bis hin zu Einschränkung, wenn nicht gar Gefangenschaft – dieselben Datensätze können für verschiedene Menschen sehr unterschiedliche Dinge bedeuten. Allgemein gesprochen: Daten sind Macht. Aber von wessen Macht sprechen wir?

Cooking for Freedom
Maria Felices (CL)

What is freedom for you? For many, freedom is just a matter of doing “Whatever we want”. So we go around thinking that we are free; But blackmail starts from within as we get to cover our needs, We decide to study, to get a job so we can “Pay the bills”, but at the end of the day we give up our time for money. Now with that money we think that we can buy “Whatever we want” but now we don’t have our time, so rush into the supermarket to get our food, as it will be easier to get it from there, now big corporations also control what we eat. But the decisions that we make are given by the possibilities of our contexts, and for years we have the illusion of choice.

Ars Electronica Futurelab Networking Session: Meet the Alchemists
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

The Ars Electronica Futurelab is a think tank of artists, researchers, and experts from a wide variety of disciplines; a creative system that for 25 years has been creating the framework for overcoming the limits and possibilities of the present. For a common goal: technological progress in our society must be in the interest of humanity.

Preparing to Become Transxxeno: Deeper Time @JKU
Adriana Knouf, PhD (US)

In this workshop, through an attention to the deeper times that are intertwined with our daily lives, we will take some small steps that attempt a perturbation of our lives, that will ultimately help prepare us to become tranxxeno.

Kristina Maurer, Karla Spiluttini

Die STARTS Tour zeigt Best-Practice-Beispiele an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Kunst. Von Szenarien für lokale Kreislaufwirtschaften auf der Grundlage von Lebensmittelabfällen über groß angelegte datengesteuerte Erkundungen des Zustands unserer Ozeane bis hin zu visionären neuen Szenarien für eine nachhaltige Datenspeicherung – die künstlerischen Perspektiven, die im Mittelpunkt dieser Tour stehen, befassen sich mit den großen Herausforderungen, die vor uns liegen, sowohl durch eine mikroskopische als auch eine makroskopische Linse.

Adopt the World
Verena Boheme (DE), Joaquín Fargas (AR)

This project consists of natural ecosystems isolated inside sealed containers that only allow the external influence of heat and light. The objective is to collaborate actively on raising awareness about the fragility of our planet and the importance and urgency of its care. With the concept that ¨the world is not for sale¨, the small biosphere adoption program was born; small worlds that represent our planet on an infinitesimal scale.

How To Strand Astronauts on the Moon
Halsey Burgund (US), Francesca Panetta (UK)

Die Geschichte von In Event of Moon Disaster ist eine Reise; eine Reise voller technischer und emotionaler Triumphe von Individuen und einer Nation, die aber letztendlich auf der Mondoberfläche ein tragisches Ende findet.