Sustainable Futures & New Pathways to Innovation
Sustainable Futures & New Pathways to Innovation is an interactive online experience that explores three concrete challenges tackled by artists who have participated in S+T+ARTS across three thematic areas: Tangible Data, Sustainable Futures and Navigating the Digital Realm.
Panel 1: CIFO & Ars Electronica: Latin American media art. History and praxis.
Rafael Lozano Hemmer (MX), Martin Honzik (AT), Rodrigo Alonso (AR), Tania Aedo (MX), Jose-Carlos Mariategui (PE), Maria Fernandez (NI)
The virtual event will concentrate both on exploring the rich set of historical precedents in pioneering experimental practices in Latin America, and on recent productions in the fields of media art such as AI and ML, robotics and drones, VR and AR, AV sculpture, and landscape, blockchain and metaverse, biotech and biomimesis, NetArt, hacking and viruses.
Montreal Life Support & Woulg present “Empty Vessels”
Montreal Life Support (CA/UK) & Woulg (CA)
« Empty Vessels » is a uniquely complex AV performance that merges robotics, AI neural networks, classical instrumentation and experimental metaphysics.
Ugo Dehaes (BE)
In der Installation Arena ist das Publikum eingeladen, mit 8 Robotern zu interagieren und ihnen zu helfen, bessere TänzerInnen zu werden.
Maurice Haedo Sanabria (CU)
COPINCHA is a hackerspace located in Centro Habana. It is a self-managed and self-moderated community, interested in socializing solutions of common benefit through free and open uses of technologies.
Autonomy / Dependency
Ignacio Cuevas (CL), Fabián Andrade (CL)
The Republic of the Mountain is constituted as a utopian micronation, decentralized and intangible, which activates an ephemeral appearance from the foothills of the Andes towards the limits of our perception, to find out more join us in this conversation with Enrique Rivera, our art curator and get to become a citizen of the republic.
Robots are people, too
Miha Turšič (NL/SI), Madeline Gannon (US), Francesco Rea (IT), Miquel Cantero (ES), Maria Eugenia (Xenia) Beltrán (ES)
During the event, Waag showcases collaborative robotics as they are getting developed through the VOJEXT project.
Online Talk featuring Ory Yoshifuji
Speaker: Ory Yoshifuji, Ory Laboratory Inc. (JP), Masato Nagahiro (JP), Moderator: Maholo Uchida (JP)
Ory Yoshifuji developed OriHime, an avatar robot, based on his own experience as a teenager to solve solitude as the theme of his life and developed a series of prototypes to meet the motivations of users. He will talk about solitude, bonds, and how the world can be changed in this talk session.
CoBot Studio
LIT Robopsychology Lab, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (AT), Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Salzburg (AT), JOANNEUM RESEARCH – ROBOTICS (AT), Polycular OG (AT), Österr. Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence OFAI (AT), Blue Danube Robotics GmbH (AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Wenn Menschen und Roboter zusammenarbeiten, ist das nicht immer einfach: Verbreitete Skepsis und fehlende Paradigmen in der Kommunikation werden in Zukunft für neue Herausforderungen am Arbeitsplatz sorgen. Wie kann Vertrauen und Akzeptanz entstehen? Wie können Arbeitsumgebungen für Menschen und Roboter gestaltet sein?
Alchemists of the Future: Online Video Journey
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Mit dieser Online Video Journey lädt Hideaki Ogawa, Director im Ars Electronica Futurelab, Sie dazu ein, Teil einer gemeinsamen Mission zu werden. Was Sie auf Ihrem Weg durch die Ideen und Visionen aus 25 Jahren Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der “Alchemists of the Future” erwarten können, erfahren Sie in dieser Video-Tour, die Sie durch die Exponate im Ars Electronica Center führt.