ABC-Coding (Activity Based Coding)

Students of the “Grune Familie” (Green family) elementary school class, Europaschule Linz

u19 Winner: u10 Award of Distinction

We, the children of Europaschule Linz, begin working with various robots in our lessons and gaining our first insights into coding as early as preschool. Through this, we expand our knowledge base and learn about how these devices are operated. We transition from the terminology of conversational language to the commands of programming language. 

How did this come about? Our teachers gave us the assignment of fundamentally rethinking learning opportunities in school. After an animated discussion process, we quickly decided on the topic of “digitization” as the focal point. Although we are still quite young (the youngest pupils are only six years old), it was important to us to be introduced to digital learning opportunities, to understand them, and to learn ourselves how to program. Based on our input, the school endeavored to develop a new concept: right from the beginning, school children should become familiar with digital media and learn the basics of programming and the programming languages. We wanted not just to work with robots but also to later allow other schools to benefit from our experiences. For this reason, we also produced brief learning tutorials that were posted online. 

ABC-Coding (Activity Based Coding) / Students of the “Grune Familie” (Green family) elementary school class, Europaschule Linz, credit: Europaschule Linz 9