When the Wind Blows from Everywhere, We Make Art and (Sur)render Reality

4408 New Messages (comment: I didn’t open Telegram for a day)

Margarita Valionytė (LT)

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Borders between territories change when groups of people encroach on land area, cultural heritage or national identity as property. During the conflict, state-forms lose their stability, destruction (deterritorialization) takes place in the peripheral, transitional spaces next to chaotic movement — buildings are destroyed, local flora and fauna are killed. Not only that, watching people suffer is difficult. Information, sounds and images from the horrifying areas circulating on social media. on media platforms, e.g. on Telegram, tired of the abundance of traffic, a feeling of helplessness takes over. According to Susan Sontag, the emotional response to shocking news is short-lived, so sympathy fades in comparison to actual action, leaving no change however small.