Manthia Diawara’s latest documentary unfolds as if it were a letter written to the viewer. In A Letter from Yene the filmmaker is not only the storyteller, but also the owner of one of the houses along the beach of Yene. Following encounters between fishermen, pebble collectors and himself, Diawara explores how their intersecting lives collectively and unknowingly contribute to the undermining of their shared environment.
Produced by: Maumaus / Lumiar Cité
Director: Manthia Diawara
Commissioned by Serpentine, MUBI and PCAI Polygreen Culture & Art Initiative as part of Serpentine’s Back to Earth project.
With additional support from Portuguese Ministry of Culture / Directorate General of the Arts; Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Dakar
Funded through the STUDIOTOPIA project. STUDIOTOPIA is co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.