Redesigning the Cometor
For the Kometor Peuerbach, developed by Billa and Manfred Hebenstreit, Ars Electronica Solutions created an interactive access point within the framework of the Communale OOE (Upper Austri ), which is intended to awaken the spirit of research through its special aesthetics. Visitors experience a journey from the microcosm to the macrocosm that allows them to discover the world from new perspectives in an impressive way.
The specially created microscopic images are juxtaposed with macro images from ESA satellites and telescopes. The similarity of the images creates the impression that everything is connected. The aim was to create both a content-related and an artistic aesthetic bridge between the microscope images and the satellite images.
Based on the astronomer Georg von Peuerbach, the spirit of research is to be awakened by means of scientific instruments.
The regional reference to plants and animals was not left out either. For example, the peacock butterfly, which is native to Central Europe, was examined as an object. As a macroscopy, the sand sea of the Namib Desert was juxtaposed. Despite the fluctuating temperatures from 0 degrees Celsius at night to 50 degrees Celsius during the day, this is also home to a few butterflies.
Another of the eight objects is the Tenham Meteroite, which landed in Australia in 1879 during a meteorite fall. The special feature of this object is that it contains the mineral brigdamite and that it also occurs in the earth at a depth of 27000 km but is inaccessible to humans. Opposite is the macroscopic image of the Shoemaker crater in Australia.
The newly designed Cometor was opened on 30.06.2023 as part of the Communale OOE with the “Theme Cosmos – New Worlds” in the Schlosspark Peuerbach.
Project Credits:
Manuela Gruber, Patrick Müller, Markus Wipplinger, MyTrinh Müller-Gardiner, Fadil Kujundzic, Dominik Trichlin
Klaus Dieterstorfer, Florian Cossee / Peak Impact
Garamantis GmbH
In Zusammenarbeit mit:
DI Dr. Martin Pfosser und Mag. Esther Ockermüller / Biologiezentrum Oberösterreich
Dr. Hipassia Moura
Prof. Dr. Miriam Unterlass
Makro Pictures:
ESA International
Foto Credits:
Isabel Schölmbauer / Ars Electronica Solutions
To the pictures!