Of course, Ars Electronica Solutions is also feeling the effects of COVID-19, but always remains active and continues to work on various projects. At the Audioversum in Innsbruck, for instance, a series of targeted knowledge transfer projects under the headings of GEHÖRT GEWUSST and GEHÖRT GESEHEN have been launched and are now opening their doors to visitors again. Here, the exhibition “Out of Control – What the Net Knows about You”, originally located at the Ars Electronica Center, is presented in its current form.
The exhibition focuses on the aspects of digitalization and raises awareness through informative and playful-interactive installations. Whether on the tram, at work, in an Internet café or in your own four walls: The net accompanies us through our lives and changes it – and with every digital step we take, we leave traces behind. We actively disclose a lot of information about ourselves, for example when we chat, post, play, upload, calculate routes and connect.
In seven different stations different digital aspects are treated – on the meter-long Internet Timeline the history of the World Wide Web since 1969 can be studied, by putting together puzzle pieces a detailed picture around personal data on Facebook is created, emotional tweets can be followed in real time, visitors can check the security of their passwords at the password hacker. And there is even more to discover…
More about the special exhibition at Audioversum can be found here.

Project Credits
Team Ars Electronica Solutions: Stefan Dorn, Michael Mondria, My Trinh Müller-Gardiner, Dominik Trichlin, Markus Wipplinger, Karim Zuderell
Extern: Peakimpact, Tischlerei Niedermayr, Garamantis
Audioversum: Ulrike Schulz
Foto Credits: Karim Zuderell