In this exercise, the pupils acquire knowledge about germination and plant growth by following the development of three plant species unknown to them over 12 weeks.
In this set of activities students will build an understanding of germination and plant growth by following the development of three unknown plants for 12 weeks. They will conduct measurements and make observations to evaluate their plants’ growth and health. Students will use their observations to make a hypothesis about which species of plants they are growing and discuss whether these plants are suitable for growing on long duration space missions. This activity is part of a series that includes “AstroFood”, where students investigate other possible future space foods, and “AstroFarmer”, where students explore growing plants in space and factors that affect plant growth.

Fast Facts:
- Age range: 8-12 years old
- Dauer: 30 Minuten pro Woche; 12 Wochen lang
- Subjects/keywords: science, biology, plants, seeds, germination
Learning objectives:
- Observe and describe how seeds grow into mature plants.
- Create scientific diagrams and use labels.
- Execute systematic observations and measurements.
- Interpret results and draw conclusions from the results.
- Be able to perform comparative and fair tests.
Download teaching material: teacher guide & student worksheets
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