On 1.6.2021 ESERO Austria together with VEGA Observatory Haus der Natur offers teachers an extraordinary opportunity! During a so-called in-flight call, we will be connected live to the ISS and talk to the French astronaut Thomas Pesquet via video conference.

On June 1st 2021, ESERO Austria and the VEGA observatory Haus der Natur (Salzburg) will offer teachers an extraordinary opportunity! As part of a so-called in-flight call, we will be connected live to the International Space Station ISS and talk to the French astronaut Thomas Pesquet via video conference. Together with teachers and students from France and Estonia, we will discuss sustainability in space travel with Thomas.
Until 10 May, teachers had the opportunity to ask the astronaut a question with their class. A few questions will then be selected by ESA and selected teachers will ask these questions to Thomas Pesquet live. The in-flight call and questions will be in English.
In addition to the in-flight call, you can also expect exciting workshops and lectures about space (all in German language).
ESERO Austria would be delighted to welcome you (and your students) to this event! Take advantage of this unique opportunity and be there live!
The theme of this in-flight call is Sustainability in Space: 3Rs – Reuse – Reduce – Recycle.
Here is a list of videos, teaching material and websites on the topic of sustainability in space. This collection of materials will help you as a teacher* to cover this topic in class and prepare the students* for the In-flight Call.

Presentations (Youtube Playlist of all presentations)
- 09:00-09:25: Meteorites – when stones fall from the sky (Erich Meyer, Kepler Observatory Linz) Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 09:30-09:55: From the Moon to Mars – Austrias role in space (DI Andreas Buhl, RUAG Space) Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 10:00-10:25: Benefits of space travel (Dr. Julia Weratschnig, Haus der Natur) Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 10:30-10:55: CanSat and CADSat – Projects for schools (MMag. Bettina Anderl, ESERO Austria)Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 11:00-11:25: A sustainable future for humanity in space (Dr. Florian Freistetter, astronomer, blogger and science-buster) Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 11:30-11:55: Austria in Space / Discovering talents and promoting young researchers (Michaela Gitsch, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Aerospace Agency) Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 12:00-12:25: Space technology from Upper Austria and the big problem of space debris (Jacoba Kriechmayr, Peak Technology) Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 12:30-12:55: The International Space Station ISS (Dr. Peter Habison, Astronomer) Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 13:00-13:25: Construction in Space (Dr Barbara Imhof / Dr René Waclavicek, Liquifer) Youtube Link; Ask a question!
- 13:30-13:55: How can space travel become sustainable? (Dr. Julia Weratschnig, House of Nature) Youtube Link
- 14:00-15:15 (tbc): In-flight call with Thomas Pesquet on board the International Space Station (ESERO Austria, ESERO France, ESERO Estonia, ESA, ISS) Youtube Link

ESERO Austria, the VEGA Observatory Haus der Natur (Salzburg) and the Ars Electronica Center look forward to your participation!