Gain up-to-date insights into the latest research projects and technologies in the space industry, experience renowned astrophysicists and space researchers at inspiring lectures and symposia and discover the diverse career opportunities offered by space through informative videos. This is exactly what “Space Goes To School” makes possible – this is where research and industry come together to get young people excited about the world of space exploration.
Symposia and lectures
Weltraummissionen – Dr. Günter Kargl @ AEC & Wissensturm
Am Montag dem 24.3.2025 erwartet Weltraumfans aus Linz und Umgebung ein fantastischer Vortrag von Dr. Günther Kargl vom Institut für Weltraumforschung der ÖAW (AEC & Wissensturm).
AustroMir 91 – Dr. Christian Klösch @ AEC & Wissensturm
Am Montag dem 24.2.2025 erwartet Weltraumfans aus Linz und Umgebung ein fantastischer Vortrag von Dr. Christian Klösch vom Technischen Museum Wien zur Mission AustroMir. 2 Termine (AEC & Wissensturm).
Living Planet Symposium 2025 in Vienna
The Living Planet Symposium is the world’s largest conference on Earth observation, climate and environmental protection and sustainability. Teachers and pupils aged 10 and over are welcome to attend workshops, lectures and much more.
Astrophysikerin Dr. Julia Weratschnig @ AEC
Am Freitag dem 4.10.2024 erwartet Weltraumfans aus Linz und Umgebung ein fantastischer Vortrag von der Astrophysikerin Dr. Julia Weratschnig. 2 Termine (beide im AEC).
Symposium “Schule und Weltraum” 2025
Die IAU/NAEC Initiative, gemeinsam mit ESERO Austria und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Astronomie & Astrophysik laden erneut zum Symposium „Schule und Weltraum“ mit nationalen und internationalen Gästen ein – dieses mal an die Universität Innsbruck.
Space Careers
Astronaut: Franz Viehböck
Franz Viehböck is the only Austrian to have been into space. He was an Austronaut on the MIR space station.
Astrophysicist: Konstanze Zwintz
Konstanze Zwintz works as an astrophysicist at the University of Innsbruck.
Data Scientist for earth observation: Armin Leitner
Armin Leitner is a data scientist at GeoVille.
Entrepreneur in the field of space start-ups: Christian Federspiel
Christian Federspiel is an entrepreneur and invests in companies that operate in space.
ESA reserve astronaut, space physician: Carmen Possnig
Carmen Possnig is a space physician at the University of Innsbruck and an ESA reserve astronaut.
ESERO Austria Manager: Bettina Anderl
Bettina Anderl works as ESERO Austria Manager, the education office of ESA in Austria.
Expert for Education and Outreach: Michaela Gitsch
Michaela Gitsch is an expert for Education and Outreach at the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) in the field of aerospace.
Material and Process Engineer: Jacoba Kriechmayr
Jacoba Kriechmayr is a Material & Process Engineer at Peak Technology in Upper Austria.
Mathematician for large telescopes: Andreas Obereder
As a mathematician, Andreas Obereder works with space topics: algorithms are developed and implemented for large telescopes.
Space architect: Barbara Imhof
Barbara Imhof is an architect at the company Liquifer.