The Prix Ars Electronica Jury 2020: Digital Communities
Joint action and the digital exchange of information are right at the heart of the "Digital Communities" - one of the four categories of the 2020 Prix ...
Joint action and the digital exchange of information are right at the heart of the "Digital Communities" - one of the four categories of the 2020 Prix ...
“The Practice of Art and Science” at the Ars Electronica Festival September 6-10, 2018 presents projects at the interface of these two disciplines. Fi ...
Kunst und Wissenschaft stehen hier im Fokus: Bei „The Practice of Art and Science“ am Ars Electronica Festival, von 6. bis 10. September 2018, werden ...
No fewer than 2,703 entries from 77 countries were submitted for prize consideration to the 2014 Prix Ars Electronica. This year’s competition will ho ...
One last time the Ars Electronica Festival takes place in the POSTCITY. One last time, the festival takes over new spaces and locations in this abando ...
More than 540 events with more than 1400 artists at 16 locations in and around Linz will be taking place at the Ars Electronica Festival 2019. To make ...
From November 16 to 17, the Ars Electronica Futurelab will be a guest at the International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan with the Ars Electro ...
The second day of the 2016 Ars Electronica Festival was dominated by the annual symposia. But the Friday of each Ars Electronica Festival is also trad ...
Auch das schönste Festival hat irgendwann sein Ende - am fünften und letzten Tag konnte entspannt auf das unglaubliche Wochenende zurück geblickt werd ...
Mit dem Music Monday verabschiedete sich das Festival Ars Electronica 2014 von seinen rund 85.000 BesucherInnen. Wir blicken zurück auf einen erfreuli ...