Honorary Mention
The Exploded View Beyond Building (TEV BB) is an iconic exhibition in the form of a full-size house that is made entirely of biobased materials, circular construction methods, and stories about the changing value chain of which it is part.
It showcases over 100 biobased materials. Our goal was to show what is already possible when it comes to building with nature, and what will be possible in the very near future. Visitors can scan every material to read up on who made it, how it is made, how far the development of the material is, and so on. This way we give the visitor a real insight into the possibilities of sustainable building.
TEV BB also experiments with different circular building methods like urban mining, 3D printing, detachability and modularity. The whole installation can be taken apart and built up somewhere else in no time.
We chose the shape of a house because this appeals towards a bigger audience the most. They can not only see the materials in real scale, they can touch them, walk through and around them, and feel what it means to build sustainably.
The house comes with storytellers on site and with tours and stories online, to give every visitor the explanation of the how and the why behind every material but also to tell the bigger story of how building sustainably will change our landscapes, our agriculture,our value systems, our health, and the way we live in general. We find it very important to maintain the conversation on the changing value system we are witnessing now that we are moving towards more sustainability.
We brought producers, designers, builders, farmers, policy makers, artists, and knowledge institutes together in The Embassy of Biobased and Circular Building to share their insights, doubts, needs, and fears so we can build together towards a real circular system of sustainable construction. A network that meets, shares knowledge, invites others, and builds together. Because you can’t change just one shackle without changing the whole chain.

Design: Pascal Leboucq
Concept: Pascal Leboucq & Lucas De Man
The Exploded View Beyond Building is made possible by:
Floriade, Dutch Design Foundation, Biobased Creations, Caspar de Haan, BPD gebiedsontwikkeling, Jansen by ODS, Provincie Noord-Brabant, TNO, WAM&VanDuren Bouwgroep, Van Gelder
In collaboration with
Knowledge partners:
RoosRos Architecten, Stichting Agrodome /biobasedbouwen.nl, Primum BV, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Avans Hogeschool Lectoraat Biobased Bouwen
Program partners:
Museum de Fundatie, The New Block, PRICE, LENTE woningcorporaties, BlueCity, CLICKNL, Citydeal Circulair en Conceptueel bouwen, College van Rijksadviseurs, Price
Program partners:
Museum de Fundatie, The New Block, PRICE, LENTE woningcorporaties, BlueCity, CLICKNL, Citydeal Circulair en Conceptueel bouwen, College van Rijksadviseurs, Price
Material partners:
Forbo Flooring, Holcim Bouw & Infra, ECOplex, Van Helvoirt groenprojecten, Omlab, Gencork (sofalca), Platowood, Fiction Factory, Gramitherm, HuisVeendam, Exie, Warmteplan
Together these organisations form The Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building, curated by Biobased Creations, part of World Design Embassies program of Dutch Design Foundation program.
The team of The Exploded View: Pascal Leboucq, Lucas De Man, Emiel Rietvelt, Diana van Bokhoven, Jasper van den Berg, Jopie de Zeeuw, Rosemarie Allaert, Ruben Bus, Sam Schwab, Lennart van der Heide, Fatema Baheranwala, Doudouce Knol, Wouter Goedheer, Kimberly Major, Jip Verwiel
The Exploded View Beyond Building is made possible by contributions from the partners and a starting budget by The World Expo Floriade 2022. We have not received funding from (art)funds.
Through their artistic installations, Biobased Creations (NL) highlights the beauty and power of biobased materials, in order to accelerate the transition to a circular and sustainable society. During the Dutch Design Week (DDW) of 2019, they presented The Growing Pavilion, a pavilion that is fully biobased, 95% circular and 10 tons of CO2 negative. Following this, they created The Exploded View Materials & Methods in 2020, a 1:4 archetype house built from state of the art biobased materials and circular methods. The next step was the construction of a 1:1 scale house, The Exploded View Beyond Building in 2021. With their unique combination of storytelling and imagination, Biobased Creations elicited a lot of admiration from the art, design and construction worlds.
Jury Statement
The Exploded View Beyond Building is the outcome of a strong collaborative initiative of—in their own words—”producers, designers, builders, farmers, policy makers, artists, and knowledge institutes.“ It is a show case, a demonstrator and educational exhibition, but foremost it is also proof of the concept that sustainable manufacturing and construction is a real possibility, that bio-based materials are ready for application in real life projects. Even more than this, it is a great source of inspiration and encouragement for a new attribute that shows how the joint efforts of creativity, engineering and environmental consciousness can lead to a new way out of the stranglehold of resource- and energy wasting of old style construction industry.