What’s New

  • Preserving Heritage in the Digital Age

    Preserving Heritage in the Digital Age

    The Balot NFT democratizes digital cultural ownership and aids in reclaiming stolen land, using NFT technology as a decolonization tool in a new restitution model.

  • From Industrialization to Automation

    From Industrialization to Automation

    “Calculating Empires” traces the entwining of technology and power over five centuries, showing how colonialism, militarization, automation, and enclosure operate today and might be unwound.

  • Artistic Explorations in Science

    Artistic Explorations in Science

    Arts at CERN, the arts programme of CERN in Geneva, has invited artists since 2012 to explore fundamental scientific questions alongside physicists.

  • A Story of Arrangement

    A Story of Arrangement

    “You are part of a huge weave, that you cannot ignore anymore.” When you enter Diane Cescutti’s website and her work, you enter the world of weaving.

  • From Blue Marble to Bioplastic Record

    From Blue Marble to Bioplastic Record

    “Smoke and Mirrors” by British artist Beatie Wolfe visualises 50 years of climate data and contrasts it with advertising slogans from the oil industry. She has now been awarded the Golden Nica of the Prix Ars Electronica for her work.

  • A Fall Down Memory Lane

    A Fall Down Memory Lane

    A trip and a fall down memory lane, tracking the relationship of a couple from middle school into the afterlife. “The Hardest Part” is the winner of the AI in Art Award 2024.

  • Art in the Storm of Flight

    Art in the Storm of Flight

    The project ‘Fluten der Freiheit’ highlights the moving and often life-threatening journey of refugees across the sea, bringing to life their risks and hopes in search of a better life.

  • Taking Back Power: Patchwork Girl

    Taking Back Power: Patchwork Girl

    The winner of the Digital Humanity Award sets an example against online exploitation and for women’s rights in the digital age.

  • Borderline of Hope

    Borderline of Hope

    Eunji Kwon has been selected as the second curator in residence for the Curatorial Residency Program enabled by ARKO. In this guest post, she reflects on the Prix Ars Electronica jury weekend from her personal perspective.

Ars Electronica Festival 2024

  • Preserving Heritage in the Digital Age

    Preserving Heritage in the Digital Age

    The Balot NFT democratizes digital cultural ownership and aids in reclaiming stolen land, using NFT technology as a decolonization tool in a new restitution model.

  • From Industrialization to Automation

    From Industrialization to Automation

    “Calculating Empires” traces the entwining of technology and power over five centuries, showing how colonialism, militarization, automation, and enclosure operate today and might be unwound.

  • Artistic Explorations in Science

    Artistic Explorations in Science

    Arts at CERN, the arts programme of CERN in Geneva, has invited artists since 2012 to explore fundamental scientific questions alongside physicists.

  • A Story of Arrangement

    A Story of Arrangement

    “You are part of a huge weave, that you cannot ignore anymore.” When you enter Diane Cescutti’s website and her work, you enter the world of weaving.

  • From Blue Marble to Bioplastic Record

    From Blue Marble to Bioplastic Record

    “Smoke and Mirrors” by British artist Beatie Wolfe visualises 50 years of climate data and contrasts it with advertising slogans from the oil industry. She has now been awarded the Golden Nica of the Prix Ars Electronica for her work.

  • A Fall Down Memory Lane

    A Fall Down Memory Lane

    A trip and a fall down memory lane, tracking the relationship of a couple from middle school into the afterlife. “The Hardest Part” is the winner of the AI in Art Award 2024.

Focus: Artificial Intelligence

  • A Fall Down Memory Lane

    A Fall Down Memory Lane

    A trip and a fall down memory lane, tracking the relationship of a couple from middle school into the afterlife. “The Hardest Part” is the winner of the AI in Art Award 2024.

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