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  • STARTS Prize
    Innovation Award for Science, Technology and Art of the European Commission

FEAT: Arts and Technologies of the Future

The FEAT Project staged seven nine-month residencies in which artists worked together with scientists at the interface of art and technology. At the F ...

Nonvisual Art: Novel Images of Magical Beauty

Lisa Buttinger displayed meticulous attention to the most minute details as she went about completing her graduation project at Linz’s High School for ...

Nonvisual-art: Neuartige Bilder magischer Schönheit

In akribischer Feinarbeit hat die Schülerin Lisa Buttinger der HBLA für Künstlerische Gestaltung Linz ihr Abschlussprojekt fertiggestellt. Im Intervie ...

STARTS Prize 2017: Innovative Projekte, die Disziplinen überschreiten

Komplexe Fragestellungen erfordern Know-how aus unterschiedlichen Feldern, Kulturen und Perspektiven – und genau darum drehen sich die Projekte, die b ...

2017 STARTS Prize: Innovative Projects That Cross the Boundaries of Disciplines

Dealing with complex issues calls for marshalling insights and skills from numerous fields, cultures and perspectives. Excellence in accomplishing thi ...

TIME OUT .07 – Between Individual and Society

TIME OUT .07, the seventh in this ongoing series of exhibitions, is now running at the Ars Electronica Center. TIME OUT is staged twice a year in coop ...

Sophie Lamparter: “Designing our future can’t be left up to individuals”

The STARTS Prize awarded by the European Commission spotlights collaboration of science, technology and art. That’s the same approach taken by Sophie ...

Sophie Lamparter: “Wir können das Designen unserer Zukunft nicht Einzelnen überlassen”

Der STARTS Prize der Europäischen Kommission rückt die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Kunst in den Mittelpunkt. Das sieht Sophie Lam ...

Get Inspired

“GET INSPIRED – Promising Projects at the Nexus of Art, Technology and Science” was the theme of a showcase of innovative projects based in Linz and U ...