Ars Electronica Media Service
Photo: Press conference in Deep Space 8K, Credit: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl
Media Relations: Nina Victoria Ebner
Tel. +43.699.1778.1593
Media Cooperations: Marlene Grinner
Tel. +43.699.1778.1561
Blog, Social Media: Katia Kreuzhuber
Head of Communications: Christopher Sonnleitner
Tel. +43.664.8126.156
Pressefotos zur Ars Electronica 2024
accessible via Flickr / sorted into albums that reflect program formats:
Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition, Theme Exhibition „HOPE: the touch of many“, STARTS Exhibition, Campus Exhibition, Festival Opening, Prix Ars Electronica Award Ceremony, Big Concert Night, Theme Symposium and Cultural Heritage in Deep Space 8K.
Press releases
Ars Electronica Festival 2024 with Record
(Linz, September 9, 2024) 1,260 artists, scientists, developers, entrepreneurs and activists from 67 countries were guests in Linz over the past five days and contributed to Ars Electronica 2024. 10 official and another 8 featured locations were used and 498 events were offered. With more than 112,000 visits, this festival surpassed all previous ones.
S+T+ARTS Exhibition & HOPE: the touch of many
(Linz, September 4, 2024) The Ars Electronica Festival 2024 is dedicated to people and initiatives who, in spite of global crises, convey hope and demonstrate with their ideas and projects that we can actively shape the future. The S+T+ARTS exhibition and the festival theme show are now on display at POSTCITY.
JKU MED Campus: Interface of Art & Science
(Linz, September 3, 2024) For the first time, the Medical Campus of Johannes Kepler University Linz will be one of the venues of the Ars Electronica Festival. International artists and JKU researchers will present innovative projects at the interface of science and art. An XR exhibition will also be on display.
Kunstuni Campus: 18-meter tower on the main square
(Linz, September 3, 2024) Linz Kunstuni Campus celebrates the Ars Electronica Festival with a tower, a solar-powered galley and tube amplifiers: From 3 to 8 September, more than eighteen university departments will be active in the Linz city center. The Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest is this year’s special featured institution.
Printable and free flickr photos – if credits are given and the article is related to Ars Electronica
Videos on our Youtube channel, for embedding in articles