IDSA x Ars Electronica FOUNDING LAB: Forging a Transdisciplinary University
Introducing the IDSA x Ars Electronica FOUNDING LAB, a collaborative project that redefines the dynamics of a pioneering university in the age of digi ...
Introducing the IDSA x Ars Electronica FOUNDING LAB, a collaborative project that redefines the dynamics of a pioneering university in the age of digi ...
For the fifth time, the Future Innovators Summit at the Ars Electronica Festival is looking for the ultimate creative questions. The Open Call by Haku ...
Bereits zum fünften Mal begibt sich der Future Innovators Summit beim Ars Electronica Festival auf die Suche nach der ultimativen kreativen Frage. Der ...
Die japanische Werbeagentur Hakuhodo und Ars Electronica laden inmitten der japanischen Megacity zum kollektiven Brainstorming! Wer Interesse daran ha ...
Japanese ad agency Hakuhodo and Ars Electronica invite you to engage in collective brainstorming amidst Japan’s megacity! The Future Innovators Summit ...
The Future Innovators Summit is a creative system developed by Ars Electronica Futurelab and Hakuhodo. For FIS Tokyo, the concept was extended to ...
(Tokyo / Linz, 1.2.2018) Unter dem Titel „Tokio als Labor für die Zukunft“ veranstalten die japanische Werbeagentur Hakuhodo Inc. und Ars Electronica ...