While on the festival Friday, September 6th, the Great Concert Night and thus the music of the Bruckner Orchestra Linz fades away in the train hall, the console is getting ready for the transition to danceable sound experiments. As an introduction to the Nightline of the Ars Electronica Festival programmed in cooperation with Salon 2000, Moritz Simon Geist skilfully presents technoid sounds generated by his robots in the courtyard of the POSTCITY. The live set by Spanish artist RRUCCULLA, who plays drums and controls her visuals alongside her ultra-digital music, is similarly extraordinary.
In addition to the outdoor stage, a complementary program will be offered in the interior spaces of the POSTCITY. BABii opens the Gleishalle with her dark lyrics and futuristic sounds between electronically tinged pop and R&B.
Multi-instrumentalist Cid Rim blends progressive electronic hip-hop with daring drum breaks when he takes the stage with his drum-set for an intermezzo before turning things over to Sinjin Hawke & Zora Jones for their live A/V show, with visuals based on a 3D scan as a digital representation of themselves.

Sinjin Hawke & Zora Jones are producers and DJs behind Fractal Fantasy, an audiovisual label and online experience. Together with a host of collaborators, both visual artists and musicians, they create interactive virtual worlds soundtracked by futuristic club music at the intersection of hiphop, grime, footwork, Jersey club – and more!
The show finishes off in the Salon Stage, a venue that has become known for acts firmly anchored in Internet art, fast and danceable rhythms, and a dash of humor. This year’s lineup at this bulk-mail office turned rave club features Linz’s own Stefan Tiefengraber, Chronic Youth from Graz, and HDMIRROR,—familiar from “Rave Tool 66”—as well as DJsets by Masha Dabelka and Polyxene.
Then what? Then we go to bed happy, tired and with heavy legs to be ready again for the next three festival days. So that you can dream of Nightline by then, we don’t want to keep you from last year’s POSTCITY dance:
Tickets and ticket information for the Nightline on Friday, 6 September can be found on Eventbrite at https://nightline-2019.eventbrite.de/. To stay up to date, please also visit the Facebook event of the event..
And here again the whole line-up in fast forward:
POSTCITY, TRAIN HALL (23.00 – 02:00)
- Sinjin Hawke & Zora Jones (WWW) – Live A/V
https://soundcloud.com/sinjin_hawke - Cid Rim (AT) – Live
https://soundcloud.com/cidrim - BABii (UK) – Live A/V
https://soundcloud.com/babiibabiibabii - Silk (AT) – Performance
POSTCITY, SALON STAGE (23.15 – 04:00)
- Polyxene (GR) – DJ
https://soundcloud.com/xenianogravity - Masha Dabelka (RU/AT) – DJ
https://soundcloud.com/dabelka - HDMIRROR (UK) – Live A/V
https://soundcloud.com/hdmirror - Chronic Youth (AT) – Live A/V
https://soundcloud.com/chronicyouthallday - AG-MX70 DDX3216, Stefan Tiefengraber (AT) – Performance
https://soundcloud.com/stefan-tiefengraber - With Visuals by LEX.LAB
POSTCITY, COURTYARD (22:00 – 23.30)
https://soundcloud.com/rrucculla - Tripods One – Moritz Simon Geist (DE) – Live A/V
The Ars Electronica Festival will take place this year from September 5 to 9, 2019 at POSTCITY and numerous other locations in and around Linz. Find out more on our website.
To find out more about Ars Electronica, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Co., subscribe to our newsletter and visit https://ars.electronica.art/ for more information.