Seed was one of the big partners of THE BIG PICTURE, were responsible for an exhibition and one panel of the symposium. Seed, along GE, is also behind visualizing.org, a plattform that’s a hub for designers, reseachers and everyone else interested in datavisualisation. From November 9th to November 11th they will be hosting the biggest competition in this field worldwide, the Visualizing Global Marathon 2012.
This website gives you detailled information about what’s going to happen this weekend. Of course, data visualization is in the center of it all, more than 900 students of design and computer science from all over the world will compete virtually or in one of the hostcities, facing different challenges alone or in teams of up to 4 members. During the weekend, there’s not only going to be the big challenges, but also mini-games, smaller riddles and so on. Of course if you don’t want to go for the prizes, you can join one or many of the workshops being held throughout the weekend. To be part of the competition, sign up until November 7th.
Sense Of Patterns – One Day of Taxis in Vienna by Mahir Yavuz, who hosted a workshop during the Ars Electronica Festival 2012. Check out all the visualizations that have been shown during the festival on visualizing.org/galleries/ars-electronica-big-picture.
Mahir Yavuz, designer and researcher who has already worked at the Ars Electronica Futurelab and taught at the Kunstuniversität Linz, will be reporting from the marathon. He’s working for Seed in New York, so he’ll have first-hand-info to share on this page. Also you can follow the event using #vizmarathon on Twitter or follwing the official channel @VisualizingOrg. If you’re on Facebook, you’ll find info there as well. Enjoy!