Arranged about the tent’s 700-m2 interior are 11 stations developed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab. The floor covering is a huge print: an aerial view of Linz that invites visitors to take a bird’s-eye-view stroll around town.
The Linz Changes – Tent is open during the following times, the entry is free:
SAT 29.9.–SUN 7.10.2012, 10:00–18:00, SAT 29.9. and THU 4.10.2012 to 19:30
Overview of the Stations
Energy Missions
The newest installation is based on Energy Missions that encourage reducing energy consumption and environmental awareness. Visitors can choose to accept all sorts of missions—for instance, traveling a certain number of kilometers by bike and leaving the car in the garage—and then report “Mission: Accomplished” on the Web when it’s done. There’s a tree growing on the terminal in the Linz Changes tent, and it gets a little bit bigger each time someone completes his/her mission. Plus, the amount of energy saved is displayed numerically and converted into cost savings in euros. The project’s aim is to raise awareness of our environment and our energy footprint.

Panorama is a 16-meter-wide screen. It displays various high-definition aerial views of Linz from different points of view. The newest image is The Big Picture, the world’s largest group photo snapped by thousands of cell phone users who attended the voestalpine Klangwolke. In this jumbo format, it’s a big picture indeed.
24 Hours Linz.Together.Life

Approximately 10,000 men and women work for Unternehmensgruppe Stadt Linz, the city’s municipal services provider. IMPORT/EXPORT spotlights a few of them and lets them have their say in video portraits. Above all, it features people who aren’t native-born Linzers. We present them and get them talking—about what brought them to Linz, about their work, and about issues that are important to them.Rund 10 000 Leute arbeiten für die Unternehmensgruppe Stadt Linz (UGL). zeigt einige dieser Leute und lässt sie in Videoportraits zu Wort kommen, vor allem Leute, die nicht aus Linz stammen, werden hier vorgestellt und plaudern darüber, was sie nach Linz geführt hat, ihre Arbeit und welche Themen ihnen wichtig sind.
Sim Linz
Here, you can interlink Linzes—historical ones and their modern-day successor. Sim Linz is a data visualization tool you can use to display a wide array of information about this city—the electrical power grid, public transit lines, photovoltaic facilities, and much more. And all of it can be combined with historical images of the city.
Finger Marathon

When you cover this segment of the Borealis Linz Marathon, you can either go it alone or as a member of a team of up to five persons. But you’ll no doubt be happy to hear you move with your fingers instead of running with your legs. Rhythm and speed are decisive. The avatars (virtual alter-egos) run past Linz landmarks. A finishing time that’s fast enough earns you a spot on the high score list. Just like a real marathon.
Signs of Life
Linz is a key location for providing medical care to the people of Upper Austria. Signs of Life presents this system in a very artistic way—by linking the visitor’s heartbeat with everyday life at Linz General Hospital and setting it in relation to various statistics gathered at that facility.
Linz in Numbers
Quantification fans can access and analyze a wide variety of data having to do with education, the future, social welfare, everyday life, traffic, infrastructure, health, sports and recreation. Plus, you can examine the results of the 2011 citizens’ opinion poll and evaluate the outcome by neighborhood.
We Are Linz
The beloved children’s book “Kro-gu-fant” inspired this station. Visitors are photographed, and then their images are divided into three parts: head, torso, and legs. Each is then mixed in with the corresponding parts of other visitors, and then random reassembly begins. The result: odd-looking new Linzers!

Picture postcards provide a look into the past. Postcards with historical motifs lie on a table. Moving them around on the table displays a photograph of the corresponding scene today. This is a fun way to see how much the city has changed over the decades.
Linz and the World
Austria’s third largest city and capital of the country’s highest-powered regional economy, Linz has strong international ties. This station shows which prominent personalities have paid a call to Linz in recent years, how many tourists have stopped by, and lots more.
Future Linz – Shadowgram
Shadowgram, the shadow box that fairgoers have come to know and love, takes the city’s future as its theme this time around. First, pose for your individual shadow picture; then adorn your silhouette with a speech bubble containing your message for the future.
Solar Bugs

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Find detailed information on the website of the Ars Electronica Futurelab.