TEA Collective Wisdom is still running at the NTMOFA in Taichung. Ars Electronica has again provided a couple of installations. We have asked Shu-Min Lin, one of the curators, about topics concerning the exhibition.

How many people have visited the exhibition?
By now, more than 30 000 people have visited the exhibition.

Are there any favorites, installations that the visitors like in particular?
Visitors like below works in particular:

People love this work. It gives then a stage to show and express themselves. Also they can interact with other visitors‘ shadowgram and thus create a community within this exhibition.
Ars Wild Card
It’s a way that people can interact more in depth with the exhibition. People are happy that they can bring back not only a the explanation of artwork but also their own unique view angle of the exhibition.
Trash Track & Forage Tracking
People find these two works very meaningful that combining technology and smart phones can bring positive influence back to society.

Rate Beat
The change of real time currency exchange rate reflected on the beating of bottles is very interesting to most of the visitors. The visulization of relatively abstract financial system makes visitors more aware of their connection to the bigger power that dominates their daily life.
People Staring at Computers
The concept of this art project is very new to the local visitors here. Make them pondering upon their own definition and perception of privacy.

Exquisite Clock
People are very happy to be part of this collective time telling. They can represent a second or minute and feel very proud of completing something together.
Sheep Market & Ten Thousand Cents
They are very interested to find there are many drawings that are against the rules set by artist. It reflects the beauty that a collective wisdome can tolerate opposite opinion.

What are the reactions like, what are your personal experiences towards the exhibits?
Face to Facebook and Looking for Mr. Goodbar especially provide the audience chance to look at the social media that are already part of their daily life in a different angle. We can see how people are in related to each other consciously or unconsciously no matter in the real or virtual world. Taiwan Gold is a successful participatory art project. We are moved to see so many beautiful moments and objects through public eyes. It’s very easy to echo with them because they are deep in our blood. We just didn‘t notice them.

The world is getting connected better and better. Collective Wisdom has showed some artistic visions of how collaboration and interaction can look like, what do you think will be the next big thing worldwide, how is our society going to change?
The boundary between space will be more vague. People will get more access to information and thus urge more collaboration between people from differents fields. The relationship between people and the how people unite will change. New connections across different disciplines will create more possibilities of art form.
Check out the catalog of TEA – Collective Wisdom or head to website of Ars Wild Card to check out very personal views by hundreds of visitors.
Shu-Min Lin is an artist, born in Taipei. He spent 15 years in New York, serving as an associate professor of art at the New York Institute of Technology. He’s executive director of United States Arts and Sciences Association and has won many prices in his field of expertise. Together with Gerfried Stocker and Manuela Naveau he curated TEA.