On March 9, 2013 the Ars Electronica visited the Robots on Tour Congress Exhibition held in Zürich, Switzerland.
The exhibition provided an impressive collection of current Robots and associated technologies.
The following video documentation by Ars Electronica shows some of the many highlights:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmCkaXhYT28&w=560&h=315]
As well:
It was a pleasure to once again catch up with the Geminoid team. The new Geminoid HI4 was on display and has had some major developments since our last encounter when he visited the Ars Electronica center. The complete technical infrastructure has been reduced to 2 suitcases (minus air compressor) which means he will be getting around a lot more. Also there has been some interesting developments on the facial expressions:

Also very impressive in displaying facial expression was the Affetto robot from Osaka University:

The team from CNBI were showing off some of the latest Brain Controlled Robot Technologies:

RB3D explores a further field of Robotic aided Human devices with their Exoskeleton contraption:

There were many prosthetic developments on display:

Apart from being the main organiser of the event, the team from AI Labs in Zurich was showcasing some of their own achievements in Robotic engineering spanning the last 25 years. Of particular note is their work with Human like skeletal systems from the original Eccerobot to the unavailing of the impressive Roboy:

Also making an appearance were some of the original models used in classic fictional robotic films:

Documentation provided by Nicole Grüneis & Kristefan Minski