A crazy chicken that lays soccer eggs when it passes over a football field and foggy eggs when there is fog, has made itself comfortable in the museum at the end of May: Around 20 children of the “Kindergarten of the Future” in Linz have selected the Ars Electronica Center to present their project to the public: Already in the fall, the children voted for a picture book to be the basis for their own creative ideas. They created many drawings, a colorful chicken sculpture and their own stop-motion film. On Friday, May 24, 2013, they opened their own small exhibition with their parents and families.
The atmosphere in the seminar room was beautiful friendly and lively. The younger artists took place in the front row and it was not long until they told the story of the crazy chicken in front of about one hundred people.
Alternately, the children presented in front of a microphone the crazy chicken in their own words: “One day the chicken had swallowed its shadow. Since then the chicken laid black eggs three days long.”
“One day there was a football game and the chicken ran as fast as it could on the football field. Then it laid soccer balls on the next day. Here comes the fog and it lays foggy eggs three days long. “
“And in the evening the farmer could not sleep and looked into the starry sky and the chicken that laid three twinkling stars. The farmer said: I like you just the way you are. “
After the presentation of their short film and the accompanying making-of, the children and adults followed the chicken tracks up to the mezzanine, where a colorful chicken sculpture made of chicken wire and papier mâché was just waiting to be able to move its wings.
The picture book “A crazy chicken” (“Ein verrücktes Huhn”) by Walter Schmögner (Illustrator) and Heinz Janisch was only the template for their own drawings, their animation, their sculpture and their own stories. The project of the “Linzer Bilderbuch-Kindergärten” inspired other kindergartens in the city of Linz to choose books and present their works in public places, too.
How does a crazy chicken and its eggs look like? At the Ars Electronica Center children and adults can make their own drawings and can place them on a bulletin board of related and crazy chicken eggs. And for whom who does not know the picture book: In a reading corner you can browse through it undisturbingly.
The exhibition of the Kindergarten kids is accessible until SUN, June 23, 2013, during the regular opening hours of the museum. First impressions you will find on flickr.