We’re building a user generated sculpture in Linz from old analog and digital devices, and you can help us!
Tell us your ideas!
Show us your vision!
Send us Material!

What should the sculpture look like? Show us a picture of your ideas or tell us how it could look in the comments section of our website. You will also vote for the best idea!
And to build it, we need YOUR old analog and digital devices – for example USB sticks, hard drives, DVD-ROMs, audio cassettes, vinyl records, photos, diaries, etc.
Please send them to:
Tabakfabrik Linz Entwicklungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
z.Hd. Chris Sennlaub
Peter-Behrens-Platz 15 (ehemals Gruberstr. 1)
4020 Linz
Important! Write SCULPTURE in big letter on the package.