For all of you working on the next idea, here is an opportunity to submit projects to the innovation contest from our friends of Afsnit I!
What it is all about?:
From all over Europe Afsnit I invites creative entrepreneurs, social innovators, artists and inventors who are passionate about an idea and want to share it with the rest of the world.
The festival will take place in the abandoned Hoersholm Hospital north of Copenhagen from the 26th to the 29th of November 2013. The best projects will each be allocated a room where the contestants will build and present the idea. During the process there will be coaching from a selected coaching team.
Participating projects will get good exposure, networking opportunities and feedback from an international jury and selected coaches – and of course the possibility to win the grand prize of €13.500.

The four categories are:
The category Art & Learning is interested in, how art, culture and learning can challenge each other in aesthetic, creative and imaginative learning processes.
The learning space is understood as physical as well as mental boundaries, eg. interior decoration, learning methods, learning tools and is aiming at teachers, pedagogues, artists and culture makers among others.
The Category Housing Connections is interested in how community is created through culture, art and artistic processes. The category is both interested in projects, which activates people into concrete artistic processes and in the organization around cultural and artistic processes and events. The category also calls for proposals on how culture can be used as a dynamo in growing local, regional, national and international communities. Finally the category is searching for projects, which is interested in the development of libraries and library departments.
Big Data is everywhere. This enormous new resource generated by our daily lives and with the potential to be used to create profound changes in welfare, business and politics.
Therefore the category Imagine Access has its focus on Big Data: Have you ever seen Big Data? Have you touched, smelled, danced with or hurt yourself on Big Data? How do we get a better understanding of, and access to, Big Data and how do we create structures for in what way and how we use it? What does the future look like in a world filled with intelligent algorithms and apparently endless possibilities?
Next Category is the category for ideas that are outside of the categories of this contest. Here Afsnit I makes room for original ideas, thoughts and inventions that no one would expect. Through Next Category Afsnit I challenges our understanding of where to look for innovation.
And here some (danish) impressions of the competition: