10 billion people will live on earth in 2050. More than two thirds of them will live in cities. The urban living spaces of our time, however, are already almost impossible to grasp in their complexity. “GeoPulse” was one of the most modern simulation and visualization tools available to museum visitors, allowing them to literally explore Linz and other cities around the world on their own. With a digital pen in hand, visitors entered a walk-through interactive database and, by tapping on book pages, city maps, wall surfaces and other objects, received information on the various themes of the exhibition. With its simple interaction, this unique experiential space invited visitors to visually and intuitively experience hidden and complex information about a wide variety of cities. Some of the possibilities offered by the exhibition at the Ars Electronica Center were comparing knowledgeable facts about local and global processes, grasping connections in cities from new perspectives, viewing images, videos, texts, maps, infographics, statistics and other data on a wide variety of urban topics.
More pictures of over 40 years of Ars Electronica can be found in our archive.In our Throwback series, we take a look back at past events, exhibitions, installations and other exciting happenings from the Ars Electronica universe since 1979.