Future stories to bridge generations

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The quick card game Bridge 2040 by the Ars Electronica Futurelab serves as a playful approach for future discourse between young and old.

Whether it’s an everyday story, a thriller, or a future adventure, each player draws cards and creates within a team a story around fictional characters living in the year 2040. In the process, participants respond to trends, artworks, and questions on the individual cards they pick. The game is played between youngsters (8 – 15 years) and seniors (65+ years), whether as a card game or an intergenerational workshop. There are no right or wrong answers – the goal is to create possible future scenarios together and value each other’s contributions.

Bridge 2040 is one of the two winning projects of the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s internal ideas competition Ideas Expedition 2023. More information about Bridge 2040 is available on the Ars Electronica Futurelab project page.

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