SpaceEU was an outreach and education project on outer space, intended to spark young people’s interest in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and encourage them to consider careers in space exploration. The project inspired young people, broadened their horizons, strengthened their sense of responsibility as European and global citizens, and promoted long-term partnerships between people from different countries and cultures.
Young people, in particular girls and children from disadvantaged communities, were introduced to the possibilities of space exploration. The project activities brought hidden talent to light, increased diversity in space exploration, and maximized the impact and potential of European space exploration.
- Welcome to spaceEU Linz (Ars Electronica Festival, 2020)
- Step into Space print at home (Exhibition, Ars Electronica Festival, 2020)
- Step into Space Online (Exhibition, Ars Electronica Festival, 2020)
- Mozilla Hubs space art (Exhibition, Ars Electronica Festival, 2020)
- Space Art Tour — Educators Edition (Workshop, Ars Electronica Festival, 2020)
- Symposium „Perspektiven politischer Bildung“ (Conference, Ars Electronica Festival, 2020)
- Step into Space (Exhibition, Ars Electronica Festival, 2019)
- Space Café (Activity, Ars Electronica Festival, 2019)
- space4youth Blue Moon Special (Activity, Ars Electronica Festival, 2019)
Duration: 01.12.2018 – 31.12.2020
Partners (Consortium): Ars Electronica, Leiden University, Ecsite – European Network of Science Centres and Museums, European Schoolnet, Science Gallery Dublin / Trinity College Dublin Irland, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Ciência Viva

SpaceEU was funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 821832. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.