Possible Futures – Ars Electronica in Sao Paulo

Since September 2012 the Prix Ars Electronica Archive is online. Now, one month later we are not only presenting at University of Sao Paulo the rich amount of documentations we are offering online, more over we are discussing based on selected examples of scientists, artists and historians the status quo and the possible future of archives.

Type: Symposium
Duration: 01.10. – 05.10.2012
City, Country: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Venue: Auditorium of the University of Sao Paulo, FAU-USP Faculty for Architecture and Urbanism, Brasil

This symposium takes place in collaboration with the University of Sao Paulo, in particular with Giselle Beiguelman / Faculty for Architecture and Urbanism FAU-USP and Ana Magalhaes / Museum of Contemporary Art MAC-USP. Ars Electronica in Sao Paulo has been made possible through the support of BMEIA and in particular a special thank to Mr. Mag. Ehrlich of the Austrian embassy in Brasilia.

The key-note from Gerfried Stocker can be read here.

Official website incl. program


Ana Pato / Digital Archives: The Videobrasil Experience
Videobrasil Collection preserves documents and works produced for the International Festival of Electronic Art. The lack of procedures to organize digital files have intensified research around the art archive.

André Stolarski / Call to Action: Trigésima Bienal de São Paulo
The lecture will address the multiple strategies used by Fundação Bienal de São Paulo to incorporate the site’s exposure the production of contents performed spontaneously by their audience.

Annet Dekker / Net Art Challenges Preservation
Documenting net art requires a new understanding of conservation theory, focussing on documenting the process and experience of a work: keeping knowledge and memory alive but accepting a loss in history.

Arianne Vanrell Vellosillo: Conservation Strategies and Digital Humanities
The conservation of contemporary art proposes new needs to understand artistic proposals. Digital Humanities allows to establish relations, quantify and describe data into multiple variables.

Beth Saad: The Networked Information Memory: The User Power
The consolidation of Web 2.0 reinforces the bidirectional nature of the web, breaking the traditional linear hierarchy of communication. We discuss how results the power relationship in this network scenario.

Christiane Paul: Archiving the Context: Strategies for Preserving the Web-based Art (A Case Study)
If net art is intrinsically contextual—since it often makes context its content through a process of linking—do institutions need to preserve and archive its constantly fluctuating context?

Cicero Silva: Recent Proposals with art and digital technologies
Presentation of proposals developed in partnership with Brett Stalbaum: the walkingtools.net system and HiperGps software are production tools in open source of technological art for cell phones.

Daniela Kutschat Hanns: Why do We need Dataviz?
New strategies are needed to understand the complex information structures, in which databases increasingly ubiquitous can be created, manipulated and fed by anyone.

Domenico Quaranta: Saved by the Copy
To store data is no longer just an act connected to power, institutions, and authority: it is a social phenomenon. If we look from another point of view, however, we realize that copying and sharing have an extraordinary potential.

Gabriela Previdello: Between Contingency and Permanence
We will discuss the ways of the contemporary flow of information in electronic languages, considering the digital files as a contingency space in information environments in new media arts.

Gerfried Stocker: Ars Electronica Archive: A Profile of Media and Digital Art
The Ars Electronica Archive contains a diverse assemblage of artistic works and documentation of projects, exhibitions, and activities over a timeframe of more than 30 years in the wide-ranging international field of electronic and digital art. Gerfried Stocker´s introduction was the key-note of the conference and can be read here.

Gilbertto Prado
The works of art and technology show its operation, become an example of possibility. Only through experience of artists with the technologies we have the possibility of projects in this field.

Guilherme Kujawski: Internationalization of Media Art Archives
There are initiatives to “Internationalization of the Archives of Media Art.” This paper proposal is based on notions such as memory tertiary diagrammatic operative and “born-digital objects”.

Gustavo RomanoNETescópio: Ten unanswered questions about the preservation of electronic art
Departing from Netescopio the archive of net-art works from the MEIAC (Extremadura and Ibero-American Museum of Contemporary Art), as case study, a series of questions will be posted concerning the conservation of electronic art.

José Luis de Vincente: Storing the Self: About the Social Production of Data
The production of large-scale data became a result of social activity: thus, we have a new source of material to read the map and social dynamics on a large scale.

Lucas Bambozzi: Oblivion and Convenience
The presentation presents itself from a case study that is echoing questions around the putative mechanisms that produces certain institutional and technological obsolescence observed in societies today.

Manuela NaveauExperimenting Archives
In these times of the internet as a sort of general Überarchiv and of the accompanying illusion that digital information is destined for eternity, media artists are coming up with highly individualistic approaches to the creative process in archiving.

Monika Fleishmann & Wolfgang Strauss: Inter-Facing the Archive: The Media Art Portal netzspannung.org
Netzspannung.org has been online since 2001, and offers multiple accesses to valuable sources of knowledge. Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss develop not only new processes of data acquisition, they also scenographically orchestrate the archive for the exhibition space.

Paula AlzugarayMetawork: The translation of On Subjectivity
The lecture will speak about the reissue for the Brazilian context of the work On Subjectivity: Fifty Photographs from The Best of Life, and its update to the world of digital communication network.

Patricia Canetti: Art as Social Network
This study applies the Social Network Analysis, and how information obtained may lead us to construct a thesaurus documentary to organize and assign meaning to content on the Web.

Pedro Puntoni: Brasiliana USP: A Digital Library for All
The Project Brasiliana USP implies the permanent interface between the activities of the USP purposes articulated by a vector of strategic national significance, becoming a national reference in the field of digitization of collections.

Renata Motta: São Paulo’s Museums and their documents
In recent decades, the preservationist element that has identified museulogical institutions lost ground to the fronts of communication and research. It is necessary define the responsibilities in relation to these collections, deepening the understanding of the institutional nature of museums today.

Rudolf Frieling: Re-Make, Re-Perform, Re-View – From collecting to producing cultural heritage in media art
“The Museum as Producer”: Following the experience of two projects at ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany, the museum´s collection and exhibition practices will be looked at. In addition the notion of relativity of the electronic image and the performativity of contemporary art will be discussed.