Press Releases

Photo: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl

  • The results of the Prix Ars Electronica 2011

    (Linz, May 27, 2011) 3,611 projects from 74 countries were submitted for prize consideration to the 2011 Prix Ars Electronica. The Digital Musics & Sound Art category tallied the most entries (717), followed by Computer Animation / Film / VFX (684), u19 Create Your World (637), „Interactive Art“ (566), „Hybrid Art“ (471), „Digital Communities“ (407)…

  • Vortrag: Sprache im Gehirn

    (Linz, May 24, 2011) The next lecture of Manuela Macedonia, a neuroscientist on the staff of the Max Planck Institute Leipzig, will explain which areas of the brain process speech and which ones produce speech. It will go into detail about the various capabilities required to learn to use language and show the effects that…

  • FamilyDays at Ars Electronica Center Linz

    (Linz, May 24, 2011) Go on a family-style scavenger hunt from one end of the Museum of the Future to the other, behold a virtual ocean full of sea creatures young creatives designed themselves, and pet a cute little baby seal robot—FamilyDays at the Ars Electronica Center offer fascinating activities that are fun for the…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Historical Seals and Documents

    (Linz, May 23, 2011) In the course of Deep Space LIVE, Maria Jenner will present the most precious historical seals and documents held by the Archive of the City of Linz. These priceless treasures include the certificate granting Linz permission to hold a yearly market fair beginning in 1382 as well as an epistle dated…

  • Deep Space LIVE: ESO – Switch on the Radio

    (Linz, May 16, 2011) Tune in to radio astronomy at the next Deep Space LIVE presentation. Dietmar Hager, astrophotographer and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, will host a high-definition look at the European Southern Observatory that operates one of the world’s most powerful radio telescopes. Situated at over 5,000 meters above sea level atop…

  • Ars Electronica Center Depicted on Austria’s Newest Stamp

    (Linz, May 12, 2011) The Republic of Austria’s newest postage stamp features the Ars Electronica Center Linz. The 7-cent stamp was designed by Austrian artist Rainer Prohaska. Read more Photo: stamp Ars Electronica Center / Österreichische Post / Printversion / Album

  • LabDays: Robotinity

    (Linz, May 11, 2011) The Ars Electronica Center cordially invites you to its 4th LabDays this coming weekend. Experts on hand especially for this event will offer insights into the fascinating world of state-of-the-art robotics. Venues include the new RoboLab, Deep Space and the “What Machines Dream Of” exhibit. Read more Photo: Telenoid, Hiroshi Ishiguro…

  • 71,524 enjoyed the LINZ CHANGES Experience

    (Linz, May 9, 2011) Work commenced in early 2010 on the LINZ CHANGES exhibition, which premiered at the Urfahr Spring Fair April 30-May 8, 2011. The bottom line surpassed all projections: a total of 71,524 guests viewed exhibits that take an entertaining and informative approach to spotlighting the city government and its municipal agencies and…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Meisterwerke und Lieblingsstücke

    (Linz, May 9, 2011) There’s an extraordinary treat in store for guests at the next Deep Space LIVE. The guests are directors of two of Vienna’s—and the world’s—great museums, each of whom will present an object in the respective museum’s permanent collection that is her/his personal favorite. Sabine Haag, director of Vienna’s Museum of Art…

  • Lecture Series: Brains for Everybody

    (Linz, May 4, 2011) More and more people are finding out about the exciting advances being made in brain research. The main reason for this heightened interest is the modern imaging technology that lets us see how the brain actually works. In May and June, the Ars Electronica Center Linz is hosting a lecture series…

  • LINZ CHANGES Exhibition Tent has already drawn 47,560 visitors

    (Linz, May 4, 2011) The halfway point of this year’s Urfahr Spring Fair is a good opportunity for a preliminary assessment of the new LINZ CHANGES exhibition tent. But it’s already time to bring out the superlatives: this Linz showcase has proven to be a big draw, with attendance already at 47,560! Read more LINZ…

  • Origin – How It All Begins / Ars Electronica Festival 2011

    (Linz, May 5, 2011) “Origin – How It All Begins” is the theme of Ars Electronica 2011. It will run from August 31st to September 6th. In cooperation with CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the festival will be dedicated to the fascinating world of leading-edge research on the basic principles of the cosmos.…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Robotic Surgery

    (Linz, May 2, 2011) Visitors to the next Deep Space LIVE will have the extraordinary opportunity to observe a robot-assisted operation—the complete removal of a patient’s prostate. Expert commentary will be provided by Dr. Wolfgang Loidl, director of the Department of Urology and the First Upper Austrian Prostate Center at the Hospital of the Sisters…

  • LINZ CHANGES Exhibition Tent

    (Linz, April 29, 2011) There is probably no other city in Austria that has undergone such a dramatic transformation in recent years as Linz. Today, the Province of Upper Austria’s capital is modern, open, socially conscious, public spirited and green. Now, the City of Linz has created an exhibition that showcases these developments in a…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Trinity Column & Co.–Monuments in Linz

    (Linz, April 27, 2011) Linz’s monuments will be featured at the next Deep Space LIVE. Cathrin Hermann, historian at the Archive of the City of Linz, will provide interesting artistic and historical insights into several Linz memorials and places of commemoration. She’ll also offer impressions of the way of life and thinking of the people…

  • Deep Space LIVE: “As numerous as the stars in the sky.”

    (Linz, April 18, 2011) At the next Deep Space LIVE astrophotographer Dietmar Hager will offer detailed insights into the world of astronomy and cosmology. Among other things, he’ll show how astronomers used to measure distances and how it’s done today. Read more Milky Way, NASA / courtesy of / Printversion / Album Deep Space

  • Ars Electronica at the 2011 Province Garden Show

    (Linz, April 15, 2011) This year’s Garden Show of the Province of Upper Austria is being held from April 15 to October 2 in Ansfelden. One of the featured exhibitors is the Ars Electronica Center Linz, which is offering visitors the opportunity to get a close-up look at the cell structure of plants. Reflected light…

  • FamilyDays im Ars Electronica Center Linz

    (Linz, April 12, 2011) Go on a family-style scavenger hunt from one end of the Museum of the Future to the other, behold a virtual ocean full of sea creatures young creatives designed themselves, and pet a cute little baby seal robot—FamilyDays at the Ars Electronica Center offer fascinating activities that are fun for the…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Studios

    (Linz, April 11, 2011) Linz artist Norbert Artner and Martin Hochleitner, director of the Landesgalerie Linz, cordially invite you to accompany them on a photographic excursion in Deep Space. Their images of ateliers and studios will present places where art is not just put on display but where it is actually created. Read more Atelier…

  • A Box-Office Hit

    (Linz, April 8, 2011) The Ars Electronica Center welcomed 4,083 visitors yesterday, Thursday, April 7, 2011. This was the largest daily attendance figure since the new and enlarged facility opened in January 2009. The big draws were Experimentale 2011, a Deep Space LIVE event with Dietmar Hager and the new RoboLab that debuted in early…