Press Releases

Photo: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl

  • Deep Space LIVE: ESO – The Success Story of the European Southern Observatory

    (Linz, April 4, 2011) Astrophotographer Dietmar Hager has a special treat in store at the next Deep Space LIVE — a behind-the-scenes look at the European Southern Observatory in Chile’s Atacama Desert, site of some of the world’s largest and most technically advanced telescopes. Read more ESO’s Paranal Observatory / Rivi / Printversion / Album…

  • Seniors Discover … What Machines Dream Of

    (Linz, March 29, 2011) One Friday a month, the Ars Electronica Center offers a themed tour custom-tailored to seniors. The guides make a concerted effort to dispense with English-language high-tech jargon, and to allow plenty of time for tour group members to leisurely try out the many interactive installations, to pose questions, and to discuss…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Historical Aerial Views of Linz

    (Linz, March 28, 2011) Anneliese Schweiger, director of the documents division of the Archive of the City of Linz, will screen historical bird’s-eye-view images to show how the cityscape has evolved since the mid-20th century. The stops along this high-flying itinerary include Froschberg (with its not-yet-domed stadium), the old glassmaking plant on Kapuzinerstraße, the halls…

  • Operate the World’s Most Modern Surgical Robot

    (Linz, March 23, 2011) Visitors to the Ars Electronica Center had the extraordinary opportunity to get hands-on experience with da Vinci, the Ferrari of surgical robots. Staff experts from the Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern (Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy) Linz and representatives of Intuitive Surgical, the system’s manufacturer, were on hand to provide support…

  • Deep Space LIVE: ‘Round-the-World Run: Desert Madness!

    (Linz, March 21, 2011) For two years, a camera crew accompanied Austrian ultra-long-distance runner Christian Schiester through four deserts and as many continents—1,000 kilometers across the most extreme regions on Earth. The result is a breathtaking documentary that will be screened Thursday, March 24 in Deep Space LIVE at the Ars Electronica Center. Read more…

  • The Ars Electronica Futurelab and Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Are Blazing Trails into the Future of Digital Entertainment Technologies

    (Linz, March 18, 2011) Playful research that doesn’t just aim to entertain is what the Center for Advances in Digital Entertainment Technologies is all about. The mission: take the latest breakthroughs in full-body & gesture tracking, bio-signal sensor systems and 3D technology and utilize them in projects beyond the realm of the computer game sector.…

  • Hands-On Astronomy

    (Linz, March 17, 2011) Snap telescopic pictures of the night sky over Linz, view brand-new 16×9-meter astro-photos from Chile’s Atacama Desert, get a sniff of the atmosphere on Jupiter and find out how much you weigh on the various planets of our Solar System—during the Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference (CEDIC) Friday, March 18 to…

  • Deep Space LIVE: The Virtual Reconstruction of Hadrian’s Temple

    (Linz, March 14, 2011) “Hadrian’s Temple” in the ancient city of Ephesus is one of the best-known archeological monuments and top tourist attractions in Turkey today. Although rediscovered and almost completely reconstructed already by 1956, the chronology, function and interpretation of this significant building are still matters of uncertainty. The ÖAI–Austrian Archaeological Institute and the…

  • Robotinity & What Machines Dream Of

    (Linz, March 10, 2011) Nanorobots cruising our bloodstream, retinal and cochlear implants, therapy robots and telecommunications androids, a talking piano and The World Machine—two spectacular new exhibitions at the Ars Electronica Center highlight a phenomenon that is becoming a part of everyday life we take increasingly for granted: the comingling of nature and high-tech. Astounding…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Opening a Portal to Heaven: The Apotheosis of St. Ignatius

    (Linz, March 7, 2011) Deep Space LIVE lets you take an eye-popping look at baroque trompe l’oeil painting. The high-definition focus will be on Andrea Pozzo’s spectacular frescoes on the ceiling of the Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola at Campus Martius in Rome. Your guides on this journey of discovery into the history of…

  • NEXTCOMIC Festival at the Ars Electronica Center Linz

    (Linz, March 2, 2011) The Ars Electronica Center is hosting a highlight-filled lineup of NEXTCOMIC Festival events March 4-11 including the premiere of a virtual 3D ocean starring Lucky Luke artist Achdé, speeches for comic aficionados, and drawing workshops with Austrian character designer Florian Satzinger. Kicking things off with a BANG at Deep Space LIVE…

  • Create Your World at the 2nd Kids’ Carnival in Venice

    (Venice, February 27, 2011) “Create Your World” is the programmatic title of the show Ars Electronica has curated for the Venice Biennale’s 2nd Kids’ Carnival running February 26-March 8, 2011. This exhibition showcases the creative work being done by today’s young generation of artists. It has been intentionally conceived to challenge and to encourage—by young…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Linz at around 1900

    (Linz, 18.2.2011) The Bruckmüllerhaus adjacent to the bridgehead on the north bank of the Danube, the market on the Main Square, a tower of the province legislature building enwrapped in construction scaffolding, trolley cars driving on the left side of the street, and Danube steamships with their smokestacks flipped down to fit under the Railway…

  • FamilyDays

    (Linz, 16.2.2011) Go on a family-style scavenger hunt through the Museum of the Future, blast off on a virtual journey into outer space, isolate your own DNA (which you can then take home as a souvenir) and enjoy the best animated films from the 24-year history of the Prix Ars Electronica—FamilyDays at the Ars Electronica…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Giordano Filippo Bruno

    (Linz, 11.2.2011) Giordano Filippo Bruno was burned at the stake on February 17, 1600 on Rome’s Campo de’ Fiori. The grounds for his execution: he had dared to relegate the geocentric conception of the universe to the realm of fairy tales and, in its stead, to maintain that the universe is infinite and would exist…

  • Fascination Animation

    (Linz, 10.2.2011) Funny commercials, thrilling stop-motion animation and a touching short about the abrupt end of a romantic liaison between two snails are among the great animated films honored by Prix Ars Electronica over the last 24 years. Highlights include “Luxo jr.” starring the animated desk lamp that garnered Pixar the very first Golden Nica…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Deep Fault – the Rift Valley in East Africa

    (Linz, 8.2.2011) East Africa’s Rift Valley is a massive crack in the Earth’s crust. Created about 20 million years ago by enormous volcanic eruptions, it is now as much as 1,000 meters deep and 300 kilometers wide and gets about an inch wider every year. Filmmaker Erich Pröll visited the Rift Valley to make a…

  • Seniors Discover GeoCity

    (Linz, 3.2.2011) One Friday a month, the Ars Electronica Center offers a themed tour custom-tailored to seniors. The guides make a concerted effort to dispense with English-language high-tech jargon, and to allow plenty of time for tour group members to leisurely try out the many interactive installations, to pose questions, and to discuss their experiences…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Bronze Age Gravesites in 3D

    (Linz, February 1, 2011) Behold Bronze Age burial mounds in 3D. The next Deep Space LIVE event this coming Thursday, February 3rd at the Ars Electronica Center promises to be a truly extraordinary experience! Heinz Gruber, a scholar who specializes in prehistory and ancient civilizations, and surveyor Dominik Schmedemann will present the remains of a…

  • Ars Electronica Linz Gmbh: 2010 was an Outstanding Year

    (Linz, February 1, 2011) 3,083 Prix submissions, 90,227 Festivalgoers and 162,438 visitors to the Center, exhibitions in Tokyo, Berlin and Mexico City with attendance topping 300,000, approximately €1 million in R&D funding for the Futurelab, 7% growth in staff size, and the third best financial results in Ars Electronica’s history—this brief overview of our activities…