Press Releases

Photo: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl

  • Deep Space LIVE: Light Speed

    (Linz, September 27, 2010) Nothing goes faster than light. Light travels 299,792,458 meters — almost 300,000 kilometers, 186,000 miles — in a single second. Light takes no more than 1.3 seconds for the trip between the Moon and Earth. So it’s no wonder that precisely measuring this mind-boggling speed confronted science with a tough problem.…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Best of Animationfestival 2010, Part I

    (Linz, September 21, 2010) Computer Animation / Film / VFX category has been a mainstay of the Prix Ars Electronica since 1987. This competition category honors outstanding independent artistic and scientific works as well as commercial high-end productions in the film, advertising and entertainment industries. The judges take artistic originality and excellent technical implementation into…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Constellations

    (Linz, September 14, 2010) Shooting stars as “the gods pointing their fingers”; promising constellations highlighting the birth of one destined for greatness or serving as signposts to guide travelers across deserts and oceans—the heavens have always has a special significance for humankind. The Ars Electronica Center and Dietmar Hager cordially invite you to a Deep…

  • Oribotics – Robotics in Full Bloom

    (Linz, September 4, 2010) Meadows are abloom with flowers at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. This colorful garden—interactive, of course—was created in cooperation with Australian origami and media artist Matthew Gardiner and the University of Linz’s new Institute of Polymer Product Engineering. During the 2010 Ars Electronica Festival (September 2-11), they’ll be bringing the industrial architecture…

  • REPAIR – ready to pull the lifeline / Ars Electronica Festival 2010

    The 2010 Ars Electronica Festival takes place from September 2-11, on the grounds of what used to be Linz’s tobacco processing plant (Gruberstraße 1, 4020 Linz).  X THE TOPIC: REPAIR – READY TP PULL THE LIFELINE The 2010 Ars Electronica Festival is intensely focusing on humankind’s current ecological, economic and political crises. This set won’t…

  • LightNight

    (Linz, August 4, 2010) LightNight at the Ars Electronica Center is a brilliant encounter with the phenomenon of light in all its multifarious manifestations. Tours through the Museum of the Future by night, workshops, a Deep Space LIVE event featuring Herbert Raab of the Astronomical Society of Linz, and the official launch of the façade…

  • ASIMO meets Ars Electronica

    (Linz, August 4, 2010) Honda’s leading-edge humanoid robot ASIMO will makes its public debut in Austria at this year’s Ars Electronica Festival. September 2-8 in Linz, festivalgoers will have the opportunity to experience an impressive demonstration of ASIMO’s extraordinary capabilities at Deep Space in the Ars Electronica Center. Read more ASIMO / Honda / Printversion…

  • Sense the Invisible

    (Linz, July 27, 2010) Eight interactive works by the Japanese artists’ collective h.o will be on display in the Ars Electronica Center July 30 to September 12. This isn’t a spatially discrete exhibit; the works are dispersed throughout the facility and thus constitute an invitation to take an entertaining journey of discovery through the Museum…

  • Raise Your Voice

    (Linz, July 27, 2010) A “garbage slick” four times larger than Germany is now floating in the middle of the Pacific. The Rio Grande, Ganges, Nile, Mekong and others of the world’s most important river systems are on the verge of ecological collapse. Worldwide, 40% more CO2 will be emitted this year than in 1990—CO2…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Making the Visible Visible

    (Linz, July 1, 2010) Our perception of the world (or of what we distinguish as “reality”) is inseparably embedded in space and time. Any change of this perception makes us uneasy. Or is our entrée to undreamt-of freedom(s). Regardless of how any one of us ultimately experiences such an extraordinary situation, one thing’s for sure:…

  • Poerty of Motion – ARS ELECTRONICA featured at VW’s Automobil Forum Unter den Linden

    (Linz, June 28, 2010) ARS ELECTRONICA  is making its first appearance at VW’s showcase venue in Berlin, Automobil Forum Unter den Linden. “Poetry in Motion,” an exhibition created especially for the German capital, will run June 25-September 5, 2010. The works that comprise it constitute a fascinating synthesis of art, technology, science and socio-cultural development. Volkswagen’s…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Europe’s World-Record Eye on the Sky – The European Extremely Large Telescope

    (Linz, June 18, 2010) The decision has been finalized: Europe’s super-telescope will be built. The upshot will be an astronomical observatory of superlative dimensions. Featuring almost 1,000 individual mirrors and an active opening 42 meters wide, its light collection surface will be as large as six tennis courts. This gigantic main mirror will be mounted…

  • The World in 100 Years – A Journey through the History of the Future

    (Linz, June 16, 2010) Our longing to know the future is timeless. Just like our burning desire to co-determine and change the course of events transpiring in this world. The exhibition “The World in 100 Years – A Journey through the History of the Future” pays tribute to some great thinkers and activists who were…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Nostalgia in 3D

    (Linz, June 14, 2010) Susi Windischbauer and Christoph Kremer of the Ars Electronica Center invite you to accompany them on a 3D nostalgia trip on June 17, 2010. More than 50 stereoscopic images provided by the Prints and Photographs Online Catalog of the Library of Congress and a specially developed projection process now make it…

  • Deep Space LIVE: The Ashes of Eyjafjallajökull

    (Linz, June 9, 2010) The Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull erupted on the morning of April 14, 2010. Because it was covered by a layer of ice, enormous quantities of ash (produced when magma comes into contract with water) were spewed into the atmosphere. Over the following days, the activities of this glacier volcano led to the…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Gaudenzio Ferrari’s Passion of Christ

    (Linz, May 21, 2010) The life and passion of Jesus Christ have been the subjects of countless works of art in the Christian world. A superb example of the artistic treatment of Christ’s Passion is a 1513 work by Gaudenzio Ferrari. This 8×10-meter fresco adorns the Santa Maria delle Grazie Church in Varallo Sesia in…

  • Prix Ars Electronica 2010

    (Linz, May 17, 2010) 3,083 projects from 70 countries were submitted for prize consideration to the 2010 Prix Ars Electronica. The u19 – freestyle computing category tallied the most entries (657), followed by Digital Musics (615), Interactive Art (562) and Computer Animation (494). The 34 jurors took three and a half days to evaluate all…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Between Rapacious Self-Interest and a Clear Conscience

    (Linz, May 18, 2010) It’s taken the “less government, more private enterprise” crowd only a few decades to bring a colossal disaster down upon the world. An economic, ecological and social mess that will take many years and a huge amount of money to clean up. The only thing that’s still unclear is where we…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Humankind amidst the Cosmos: Our Origins and Our Place in the Universe

    (Linz, May 6, 2010) We’re all made of cosmic dust. Whether it’s hydrogen, oxygen, carbon or the iron that carries oxygen through our bloodstream—every atom that makes up our bodies was once part of a star. On May 6, 2010, Dietmar Hager and the Ars Electronica Center are jointly hosting Deep Space LIVE, a search…

  • Innocence – Futurelab creates interactive Installation for Linz’s PASSAGE Shopping Center

    (Linz, May 5, 2010) At the invitation of PASSAGE CEO Werner Prödl, the Ars Electronica Futurelab has created an interactive installation custom tailored to The PASSAGE. “Innocence” is the title of a work that has to do with Linzers’ childhood memories of The PASSAGE … Read more Innocence, PASSAGE Linz / Ars Electronica Futurelab /…