Prix Ars Electronica
Photo: Ars Electronica / Martin Hieslmair
The organisers and sponsoring partners of the Prix Ars Electronica wish to make the results of the competition accessible to as wide an audience as possible. For this purpose, comprehensive advertising measures in print and digital media are planned, such as television, radio, websites, social media platforms (currently known and future), publications, work presentations, company presentations (including their service portfolio) of the organisers and sponsoring partners.
The works selected by the jury are to be documented and/or published in whole or in part in the following media:
- Catalogue: “Prix Ars Electronica – International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica”. This book describes the entries selected by the jury in words and images.
- Storage media incl. cloud services
- Ars Electronica website (ars.electronica.art)
- Ars Electronica Archive (archive.aec.at)
- Social Media platforms
- ORF may produce and broadcast a TV documentary about the festival and the winning projects, which may include parts of or the entire work
If a submitted work is awarded a prize, receives recognition or an award, the material will be used for documentation in the catalogue, storage media including cloud services, social media platforms and the Ars Electronica website. Participants are therefore asked to prepare the image and text material carefully and submit it in the best possible quality. Furthermore, participants agree to participate in the planned TV documentary.
Catalogue, Storage media incl. cloud services
The Prix Ars Electronica catalogue will be published as part of the Ars Electronica Festival. In order to promote the festival and the Prix Ars Electronica, the website will go online earlier.
The Prix Ars Electronica organisers reserve the right to determine the actual content, scope and timing, as well as the design of the aforementioned publications and documentation due to technical and organisational circumstances.
Exhibition and presentations at the Ars Electronica Festival
The Prix Ars Electronica is an integral part of the Ars Electronica Festival, in the context of which the organisers intend to present, exhibit or perform the projects selected by the jury. The organisers reserve the right to decide which projects will be included in this exhibition/presentation. The participants agree to make their projects available for this purpose.
The Golden Nicas presentation at an evening event (Award Ceremony) is particularly important. The participants agree to take part in this event.
Concerts, performances, performances at the Ars Electronica Festival
Concert performances are planned for the award-winning works of Digital Musics & Sound Art. The organisers reserve the right to decide which works will be performed during the festival. The participants declare that they are available for a performance of their works.
Ars Electronica Animation Festival
An Ars Electronica Animation Festival with Electronic Theatre (public screening) is held annually. The participants in the New Animation Art category grant the organizers all necessary rights to present their submissions to the public in this context. Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG endeavours to present the Ars Electronica Animation Festival in other contexts as well.
Ars Electronica is granted the right to use the submitted works – in whole or in part – for the production of a documentary. This also includes the right to publish this documentation – in whole or in part – in the context of events and, if necessary, to pass it on to third parties. The exercise of this right is limited to the purpose of publication and/or promotion of the Prix Ars Electronica, the Ars Electronica Festival, exhibitions of Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG and other activities of Ars Electronica. Any further and/or commercial use requires prior consent.
Ars Electronica Archive
Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG operates an archive for the documentation of digital media art and intends to make the contents of this archive publicly accessible to the interested public both on site and on the Internet. All submitted materials may be included in the Ars Electronica archive and made publicly accessible in the context of exhibitions organised by Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG, as well as online.
The participant grants Ars Electronica the right to pass on his/her/their work to third parties for research and/or study or teaching purposes.
Ars Electronica is authorised to make the work available to the public (including institutions, universities, schools, companies, etc.) as part of the “Kulturpool” project. This is a joint portal for the aggregation and publication of digital copies of cultural assets in Austrian cultural institutions of the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport. The Natural History Museum Vienna is currently entrusted with the operation of the cultural portal. In this context, the participant authorises Ars Electronica to grant the Republic of Austria, represented by the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, a full, i.e. unrestricted (in terms of location, time, etc.), but non-exclusive, licence to use the data provided, covering all exploitation rights.
Ars Electronica is authorised to make the work available to the public (including institutions, universities, schools, companies, etc.) as part of the “Europeana” project to facilitate the use of cultural heritage for educational, research, creative and leisure purposes. Further information about Europeana can be found here. To achieve the purpose, the participant will provide the work with the appropriate Creative Commons licences. If this has not been done at the time of submission, Ars Electronica is entitled to cite the relevant Creative Commons licences and grant the necessary rights of use. Ars Electronica is not authorised to grant exclusive and/or commercial rights of use; there are no other restrictions.
Ars Electronica is authorised to make the work available to other archives, databases and/or portals. This may be done directly by passing on the documentation on the work or indirectly by linking the Ars Electronica archive directly to one or more archives, one or more databases and/or one or more portals of third parties.
It is clarified that Ars Electronica is under no obligation to prevent the work from being used by third-party AI systems. Should the participant not wish such use, it is the sole responsibility of the participant to take appropriate (technical) precautions. The use of documentation materials about the work by AI systems cannot be prevented.
Ars Electronica is authorised to use the work itself for AI systems if necessary. This also includes documentation.
Ars Electronica is authorised to use AI systems for translations and/or summaries of the participant and/or the work.
Public Relations and documentation
Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG or third parties authorised by Ars Electronica may store the submitted materials in whole or in part for the purposes of public relations, PR, announcements, documentation, archiving and scientific processing, and make them accessible to the public, including via the Internet, and other digital media. The exercise of this right is limited to the purpose of publicising and/or promoting the Prix Ars Electronica, the Ars Electronica Festival, exhibitions of Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG and other activities of Ars Electronica. Any further and/or commercial use requires prior consent. Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG will endeavour to take into account the legitimate concerns of the submitter when using the works, but without any legal obligation to do so.
General regulations
For their part, the organisers and/or sponsors undertake to the competition participants to use the submitted works only in the manner described above. Any commercial use outside the Prix Ars Electronica by the organisers and/or sponsors is strictly prohibited. All copyrights remain with the artists.
The rights granted to Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG are unrestricted in terms of time and place, but limited to the purpose of the transfer of rights.
Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG is under no obligation to publish the submitted works.
The submitter declares that he/she is authorised to transfer rights to the above extent and that he/she has obtained the necessary consent of third parties in accordance with copyright, personal rights or other legal provisions, and will provide proof of this to Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG at any time upon request.
Additional regulations on the granting of rights within the framework of the agreements concluded as a result of participation in the Prix or the Festival supplement the present transfer of rights, but do not restrict them unless expressly agreed in writing.
All rights granted to Ars Electronica are also granted without restriction to other organisers and/or sponsors.
The agreement on participation in the Prix is subject to Austrian law, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and all conflict of law rules. The place of jurisdiction is Linz.