This installation, which successfully debuted at the Ars Electronica Center in 2015, has been running since October 2016 at Innsbruck’s AUDIOVERSUM in a modified form. The special exhibition was adapted for the Tyrol region in cooperation with AUDIOVERSUM and with the support of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). To take optimal advantage of the AUDIOVERSUM setting, the design and positioning of the installations were custom-tailored to the facts & circumstances of that space. Preparing the AUDIOVERSUM’s visitor support personnel for the “Adventure Earth” exhibition was carried out by Ars Electronica Center staffers trained within the framework of the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) program. Collaboration with ESERO will continue in autumn 2017.
The “Adventure Earth” exhibition takes visitors on a journey to the most exciting spots on the face of our planet. Simply touching the installation’s multi-touch surfaces provides access to information levels behind the impressive satellite imagery. Questions about the locations depicted, the technical background, sensor technology and visualization, as well as discussions of the big picture forming the context of each image are treated in an interactive narrative structure.
Project Credits: Klaus Dieterstorfer, Stefan Dorn, Fadil Kujundzic, Patrick Müller, Dietmar Peter, Gerald Priewasser-Höller, Stephan Pointner, Andreas Pramböck
Foto Credits: Audioversum