
4 ACES – Urban Art Scavenger Hunt

Interactive scavenger hunt at Vienna Hofburg

4 ACES is an interactive art game based upon geo mapping points. Participants are sent on an interactive scavenger hunt through the Vienna Hofburg. On the way, they have to solve problems by means of a mobile app that leads them on an itinerary with intermediate stops to a destination not disclosed in advance. Ars Electronica Solutions produced the app, which uses diverse multimedia content to specify the scavenger hunt’s route.

4 ACES is a joint project by the Burghauptmannschaft, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Spanish Riding School, the Imperial Treasury, Ars Electronica Solutions, the Museum Albertina and the Fokus Media House; overall coordination lies with CC Real.

Project Credits: Lukas Bischof, Fadil Kujundžić, Ali Nikrang, Gabriele Purdue, Vanessa Schauer, Markus Wipplinger
Foto Credits: Dr. Roland Pelzl, Cityfoto.at

Press feedback:
Press release

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