On Friday, September 27, Ars Electronica Solutions took part in Smart City 2013, the main exhibition of the Beijing Design Week 2013. Michael Badics, Senior Director of Ars Electronica Solutions, talked about “GeoPulse: New Perspectives on Urban Spaces”.
On her blog, Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber writes about the Smart City 2013 and provides a detailed overview of the National Smart City Innovation Centre – a project with Ars Electronica Solutions.
The schedule of “The Dao of Being Smart” is available at the CMoDA website.
Event: The Dao of Being Smart: Smart City 2013 International Symposium
Place: Kino 3, China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts ( CMoDA )
Date: September, 27, 2013, 10.00 am – 6 pm
China Daily
Der Standard