GERMAN SPY MUSEUM BERLIN is the city’s latest downtown highlight. Its opening in the World Capital of Espionage a good 25 years after the end of the Cold War shines a long-overdue light into the shadowy realm of secret agents. The exhibits on permanent display deliver an experience that brings all of visitors’ senses into play to provide thrilling accounts of spectacular covert operations, mysterious cases of espionage and the legendary spies who were their chief protagonists. Throughout more than 3,000 square meters of exhibition space, the Museum showcases a wide variety of authentic rarities from a collection assembled over many decades as well as elaborately produced replicas. Their state-of-the-art presentation employs innovative museum technology and takes a stylish multimedia approach.
This Museum is defined as a setting for the active dissemination of knowledge and as a playful experimental laboratory where exploration, hands-on experience and discovery are intertwined in a way that makes learning fun. Visitors encounter a colorful assortment of objects, documents, photographs and film footage gleaned from private collections and public archives. They’re accompanied by interviews with and testimony by historical eyewitness, top-echelon agents and experts in the field of espionage brought together in documentary films produced especially for the Museum. The interactive Spymap featuring a Touchpanel installed on a 14+-square-meter laser projection surface provides visitors with an impressive geographical overview of the hotspots of intelligence agency activities in the Capital of Espionage during the eventful years of the recent past.

Project-Credits: Ina Badics, Cecile Bucher, Klaus Dieterstorfer, Stefan Dorn, Stefan Fuchs, Barbara Hinterleitner, Christoph Hofbauer, Petros Kataras, Fadil Kujundžić, Johanna Mathauer, Michael Mondria, Ali Nikrang, Patrick Müller, My Trinh Müller-Gardiner, Poorya Piroozan, Andreas Pramböck, Gerald Priewasser-Höller, Andrea Rovescalli, Markus Wipplinger
Extern: Garamantis