At this station, visitors could create imaginative depictions of themselves. The playfully and intuitively assembled “prompt” blurs the lines between reality and fantasy.
The AI DALL-E generates several image drafts based on one’s own characteristics, creating a digital twin—an “Egovatar” that reflects one’s own facets.

“Ego” stands for the self and the subjective perspective of self-representation. Since characteristics are captured from one’s own viewpoint, they often appear egocentric and lack self-reflection. The results tend to lean towards stereotypes and take into account gender and cultural backgrounds only to a limited extent, highlighting the limitations of AI technology.
The name “Egovatar” emphasizes that the images often represent distorted or stereotypical versions of one’s personality and encourages critical thinking about digital self-representation and the role of AI. The best draft is printed out and can be saved digitally, taken away, and shared. This installation was originally developed by Garamantis.

Project Credits
Ina Badics, Chris Bruckmayr, Stefan Dorn, David Holzweber, My Trinh Müller- Gardiner, Isabel Schölmbauer
Peak Impact, Garamantis