“From Austria to the World” is the theme of five extraordinary giga-pixel images of New York City now on display at the Austrian Star Alliance Terminal Check-in 3 at Vienna International Airport. The pictures were taken by prizewinning Austrian photographer Lois Lammerhuber. The software that converted them into a breathtaking tracking shot through Manhattan was developed by Ars Electronica Linz.
In the Security Area of the airport’s new terminal, 165 screens have been clustered into a jumbo 15-meter-wide, 9-meter-high, 530-megapixel display. It takes 60 servers, 720 gigahertz of processing speed and software specially developed by Ars Electronica in order to showcase images on this one-of-a-kind photowall. The software breaks up the high-definition pictures into minute fragments and distributes them to the servers. This is what makes it possible to display the gargantuan graphics with no loss of clarity. And it’s precisely this prototypical interplay of hardware and software components that delivers breathtaking visual impressions to passengers passing through Vienna International Airport, which is also marketing this technical platform to host advertising and promotional spots.
More detailed information about the project is available on the Ars Electronica press site.
An interview about the project is available on Austrian Airlines’ red blog.
Client: Austrian Airlines
Project Credits: Martin Ackerl, Peter Holzkorn, Petros Kataras, Lois Lammerhuber, Harald Moser, Andreas Pramböck, Isabella Reichl, Corinna Veveridis
Foto Credits: Lois Lammerhuber, Martin Ackerl, Ars Electronica