Hopetimist, Hesitant, or Skeptic is an interactive installation that navigates the complexities of human perception and cognition. Visitors were presented
with three poetic statements that tap into the intricacies of being an optimist, pessimist, or realist in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world

Through this interactive experience, Hopetimist, Hesitant, or Skeptic encourages participants to reflect on their own mental currents and the intricacies of human perception in a world increasingly influenced by technology and societal forces. By engaging with the installation, visitors become active participants in shaping a narrative about how we perceive reality, challenge our preconceptions and find common ground amidst differing perspectives.
The installation’s AI has generated the text itself. You select a statement by throwing balls into the corresponding tube. By pressing the buzzer, the answers are logged in and the next round begins.
Project Credits
Ina Badics, Chris Bruckmayr, Stefan Dorn, David Holzweber, Isabel Schölmbauer, Markus Wipplinger
Peak Impact, Petros Kataras