Virtual Environment makes it possible to present Kaindl’s product line in a completely unique way. All products can be depicted in a corresponding environment and modified to conform exactly to customer wishes. Plus, it all appears in 3D and happens in real time. As its interface, Virtual Environment uses real samples, which convey a superb impression of the actual product. Product samples equipped with RFID chips are positioned on an interface pedestal, and thereby trigger the depiction of the product in the corresponding setting. Customers can now move about freely through the virtual environment, modify the ambient lighting, and examine the surface structure from all possible angles and distances.
Client: Kaindl
Project Credits: Michael Augustyn, Florian Berger, Cecile Bucher, Maria Eschlböck, Andreas Jalsovec, Michael Mayr, Kathrin A. Meyer, Christopher Lindinger, Andreas Pramböck, Erwin Reitböck