myOberösterreich [MyUpperAustria] stages a multilayered process in which young people in Upper Austria can explore their favorite places and visions of the future. The point of departure was an idea/wish expressed by the Kinderuni to get young people more strongly involved in configuring their habitats and their future. Citizen involvement has been accorded a much higher priority by political leaders and city planners in recent years. Now, myOberösterreich is providing a high-profile showcase for the young generation to speak out on the issues that interest and concern them. This is designed to foster a sense of involvement on their part in the physical spaces in which they spend their everyday life. The basic idea is that precise scrutiny is the first step in bringing out what is unique and special about these places.
From June 1 to July 22, youngsters throughout Upper Austria have the opportunity to contribute to an exhibition. An app developed by Ars Electronica Solutions enables them to upload photos of their favorite spot, a self-portrait and their vision of the future to the website during this time. All contributions will appear in a Bienenstock [Beehive] in real time, and can be retrieved by diverse filters. The Bienenstock is an art project set up by Ars Electronica to gather and contextualize photographs taken by many different visitors at major public events. The Bienenstock project was originally developed for the 2013 Ars Electronica Festival by the Ars Electronica Futurelab in cooperation with researchers from the Queensland University of Technology (AU).
Ars Electronica Solutions has now enhanced and upgraded this Bienenstock project and adapted it for use by youngsters. With their cell phones, they can take pictures of their favorite places as well as selfies, and the app then automatically uploads them to the website, which also features a map of Upper Austria that shows where each photo was taken. The photos displayed can also be sorted by various filters. This interaction option supports the playful aspect of the creative project.
Project Credits:
Idea, coordination: Andreas Kupfer MBA, KinderUni OÖ
Project lead: Irene Schwaiger, KinderUni OÖ
Project lead Land Oö.: Mag. Nora Berger, Büro LR Mag. Doris Hummer
Project assistance: Dipl.-Päd. Petra Schabhüttl, Ursula Bichler, KinderUni OÖ
Exhibition design: Mag. Michaela Reisenberger und Manuela Gruber (OÖ Kulturquartier)
Digital media: Michael Badics (Ars Electronica Solutions)
Digital media, website, app: Michael Badics, Mag.a Johanna Mathauer, My Trinh Gardiner, Fadil Kujundžić, Ars Electronica Solutions
Graphics & layout: Michael Atteneder, Atteneder Grafik Design