Scope for fair labour

The LABOUR LAB is an interactive laboratory at the Museum Arbeitswelt in Steyr that uses digital technologies to bring the past and future of the world of work to life.

With the help of virtual reality and gamification, visitors are immersed in the working world of the 19th century. They experience the harsh working conditions of the time as well as the struggles for better rights and the emergence of trade unions. At the same time, the LABOUR LAB shows how digitalisation and ecological change are shaping the working world of tomorrow.

In addition to historical knowledge, the LABOUR LAB also conveys key topics such as co-determination and social justice in the future of work. It invites visitors not only to understand the changes in the world of work, but also to play an active role in shaping them.

The project is being developed in collaboration with the Museum Arbeitswelt, Smesh and Ars Electronica Solutions. The Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour supports the LABOUR LAB as a sponsor.

The opening ceremony will take place in May at the Museum Arbeitswelt.

Click here for more information and to register!


Contact Us

Ars Electronica Solutions
Peter-Behrens-Platz 8
Tabakfabrik Linz, Haus Casablanca, Stiege C, 3. Stock
4020 Linz Österreich

Tel. : +43.732.7272.35